Today, business organizations are looking for innovative solutions for a challenging economic environment. Business companies are trying different approaches to increase productivity, encourage growth and engage workers. The old leadership style of top down management is slowly evolving into a collaborative approach that empowers employees and blurs the lines between boss and worker.

As more and more companies now prefer open innovation, a new style of innovation is emerging today. Power sharing and team building are replacing the traditional forms of corporate hierarchy. The leadership role is evolving into a broad based team building approach that encourages creative thought in the workplace. The future of businesses is most definitely collaborative.

Here are the five major differences between the traditional leadership approach and the new style of collaborative leadership:

1. Power: The traditional corporate approach to power is one of singular authority, whereas the new new approach of collaborative leadership recognizes that power is greatest in a collective team. Collaborative leaders allow solutions to develop from the best ideas of the group and take a team approach to problem solving.

2. Information: The hallmark of traditional leaders is to maintain the ownership of information. Releasing information on a 'need to know' basis allows traditional leaders to maintain authority and control. On the other hand, collaborative leaders share information openly. Information sharing is important to get everyone on the same page.

3. Problem solving: In a traditional corporate culture, solutions are generally delivered to team members. All the decisions are made in the boardroom, approved and passed on. In a collaborative environment, solutions are brainstormed among team members and facilitated by management. These type of leaders recognize the power of a group approach to problem solving.

4. Generating Ideas:
Traditional managers will occasionally entertain suggestions or be open to ideas from their team. Here all the decisions generally come from the executives at the top of the food chain. On the other hand, the art of collaboration gives everyone on the team a voice. Collaborative Leaders are generally open to suggestions and ideas from their team and recognize that brainstorming and different perspectives can bring unique insights.

5. Rules and Responsibilities:
Traditional corporate culture relies on a series of rules, regulations and a hierarchy that force managers and team leaders to adhere to specific roles and responsibilities for both them and their teams. And in a collaborative environment, teams are encouraged to work together. Resources, information, knowledge, time and effort all are shared, which allows roles and responsibilities to evolve and fluctuate based on the greater good.

So, we can say that collaborative environment is innovative, creative and beneficial to any organization. What you think about this? Which are better: traditional leaders or collaboration leaders? Share your viewpoint with us on comment section. You can also share your thoughts on our official website :

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