Whether we talk about senior citizens or people suffering from a medical condition that affects their daily life, choosing between assisted living facilities and nursing homes is always a difficult decision to make. Assisted living refers to a combination of services that includes housing, as well as personalized health and supportive care without ensuring professional nursing. On the other hand, a nursing home has a more restrictive character not allowing the residents to go out, but these facilities are licensed. The personnel takes care of every single daily task of the residents from meals, dressing, and baths to entertainment and toilet. Just like the name suggests, assisted living simply assists a senior by taking care of certain tasks, but does not provide professional care. Nursing homes are certified and regulated by the state, so medical supervision is ensured by default to all residents. In some cases, special medical attention is required and these facilities need to have the equipment and professional staff capable to respond to these needs. Nursing homes are also required to provide rehabilitation therapy, but you can also find this type of services provided by assisted living facilities. Generally, nursing facilities have a list of services they are required to offer and a set of norms they need to observe, while assisted services can personalize their services depending on the specific needs of the customer.

The services ensured by assisted living facilities include meals, transportation, housekeeping and cleaning, health care, rehabilitation care, laundry, social activities and entertainment. Some senior citizens might even require assisted living for the sake of having someone talk to them and for recreational purposes. The main reasons why people prefer this alternative is the fact that it helps the elderly preserve their independence and allow them to live in their houses for a longer time. The mental and physical health of the people requiring care are equally important, so allowing them to live in their houses and go on with their usual life is a great way of keeping them motivated and happy. However, there is a limit to the health care capabilities of someone providing assistance to an elderly. Caregivers can provide access to medical services, manage the medication and ensure healthy meals, but that is all. Nursing homes provide 24/7 support, skilled nursing care and medical supervision. People that are suffering from grave illnesses are better cared for in a nursing home, because medical staff is available non-stop to respond to emergencies and avoid any complications.

Assisted services is generally cheaper than nursing home services, but that is not always the case. You should carefully check all your options before making a decision, but most importantly, think about the needs of the elderly you plan to help. There are many people in favor of assistance because of the independence it provides, as well as affordable rates. If you do not need the entire array of service provided by a nursing home, you should choose assisted living facilities. Nursing facility expenses are sometimes covered by insurance, so you should also check whether your insurance covers a part of the expense before deciding that you cannot afford it.

If you wish to learn the difference between assisted living and nursing home, please visit the website!

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