Yesterday, I shared a secret with a long-time friend. I told him about something I had never discussed with anyone before. I fully disclosed my relationship with Strategic Vision Video software. I had previously discussed features and specifications of my new app, but I never went any deeper. I was holding on to the personal connection I had developed with the technology. It was mine and I enjoyed exploring the wonderful capabilities that I had incorporated into my masterpiece. It was like I was having a secret love affair with a beautiful woman. We had many intimate moments in my office together. However, I knew I couldn't hide the relationship forever.

It is time to proclaim my love for Strategic Vision Video. But instead of praising the numerous components that have been incorporated or the amount of time involved developing it, I’d rather focus on what my new software actually means to me. Let’s not worry about what my marketing application does; let’s truly delve into what it is.

Strategic Vision Video is the cornerstone of my overall marketing plan. Every single website, blog post, video, or press release that I publish will utilize this tool in one way or another. This is a major breakthrough for me. I had been testing SAAS programs for over a year and kept finding disappointment over and over again. My awareness creation campaigns had been performing miserably and I was becoming less confident. I needed a foundation to build my brand on. I finally found it.

Strategic Vision Video is also a facilitator of networking opportunities. Literally everyone who owns a business, freelances, makes videos as a hobby, or wants to showcase any digital content can use my software. This means I can approach individuals involved in any niche and show them something brand new that they can use to enhance their marketing efforts. I can use my technological bundle of joy as an icebreaker and segue into discussions about my other ventures

Lastly, the development of Strategic Vision Video signifies a major milestone in my entrepreneurial career. For the first time in almost twenty years of conducting business, I actually have complete control of a project. I created all of the marketing materials. I will personally handle all support tasks. I devised the pricing structure. I have methodically chosen the most favorable distribution channels. It has been a long process, but I feel great about what I have created.

My secret relationship has been exposed to the world. But instead of being caught in a seedy motel, I am intentionally showing everyone what I have been doing behind closed doors. Instead of my wife pouring hot grits on me or filing for divorce, she wants to be involved in this new phase of my life. Now that you see what Strategic Vision Video means to me, you need investigate this phenom for yourself. You may fall in love with it as much as I did.


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