Am I wrong? Am I the only person that sees it? I am only 36 and I can't believe the way that even the fifth graders in the school where I work speak and act towards adults. They have absolutely no respect. If you try to discipline them at all they don't even care because they know nothing is going to happen. There are no consequences. When I was a child, if you did something wrong you knew there were conseqences and you'd better look out, but now they just look at you and tell you "if you touch me I am going to call the police". Part of the reason in my opinon is the way this world is coming to. There are so many parents that have to both work out of the home just to feed their families that their is no longer supervision or control over these children. It seems like noone has authority anymore ,teachers, principals, parents .

Of course there are always exceptions.

We even have a child that the prinipal has to physically go across the strreet, go in the house and get the child up and ready so they come to school. The parents are working so many hours and jobs they just aren't there or are sleeping. It is very sad, and I feel sorry for these children because they are really the ones who in the long run are going to suffer the reprecussions from all of this. The economy is falling apart. Everywhere you turn around here people are up and leaving their homes and everything in it because they can't afford their houses or to take it with them. Something needs to be done. Between the rising gas prices, food prices and everything else without wages rising or jobs for the ones without jobs I really wonder what it will be like for my daughter in college who will someday in the near future be having children.

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