Honduras is one of the countries that seem to attract travelers like a magnet. Its beauty has crossed borders and islands such as Roatan are known even in the farthest corners of the world. All kinds of national parks, the connection with the Mayan culture and of course white beaches, all make great ingredients in helping the Honduras tourism grow strong. Of course, like in any other corner of the world, problems do appear and unfortunately when these are not taken care of correctly, they tend to influence tourism, in a negative way. Still, if you were to read some of the latest Honduras news, measures have started to be taken just so tourism can once again be appreciated. There is no arguing about the fact that tourism can bring profit, it can help individuals to find work on the dedicated market. It may not sustain an entire economy, but its contribution can be considerable. As expected, you might be interested in finding out exactly what has made the some readers reach the conclusion that tourism is encouraged in this country. So, here are few details that might shade some light upon this aspect.

Last year, a new cruise port, the port of Amapala on Isla del Tigre, on the Pacific was confirmed by Honduras officials. It is true that it might take two years before it can be used. The investment is large, of about $6 million, which is a clear indication that local officials do recognize the importance of tourism in the complete development of the entire country. Although Amapala has been always been a port, in two-three years it will take the form of a cruise port. Given the position, between three states, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras, turning a simple port into a cruise one is a smart decision. Also, in 2013, a beautiful resort was announced. In Tela, a surprisingly large golf resort opened its gates in February 2014 and it was well received by most tourists, eager to try their skills on the golf course. This was as well a rather important investment, once again demonstrating that tourism is well regarded in this country.

If there is anything that can increase the level of tourism in any part of the world, then this would have to be infrastructure. Without adequate roads, there cannot be tourism, at least not enough as to sustain the economy as much as possible. On February the 1st, 2015, the government has decided to start improving the roads in the northern part of the country. This investment is of $260 millions, a project that is highly expensive, but needed. The list of news of this kind does not end here. There are sufficient investments made and plenty of projects have been started. In a few years time, this country will reap the rewards. Tourism is a market that should be exploited as much as possible by all countries. It would be a shame to do otherwise, especially when having the position of Honduras, situated at the Pacific Ocean.

If you are interested in finding out more about Honduras tourism or read a few Honduras news, please click on the links.

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