The only stDenver potteraunch supporters of legalizing marijuana (I will be calling it just pot further on) I have heard are those who use the stuff. One of them is a close friend, who will be turning 62 later this year and was not expected to have seen 2015 roll around, for the level of lung disease  sickness (called Emphysema) she suffers from. Besides having been a pot smoker for well over 40 years, she also smoked between 30 and 50 cigarettes a day, depending on how the day went, never found a career she could call her own, never achieved a level of financial stability to even properly look after her children, or herself now in her old age, but would stubbornly defend the so-called benefits of pot.

I was quite shocked at the pictures and videos available showing the new money lords in Denver, a large city in the USA, capital of the state of Colorado. A very. very beautiful place, but now having the dubious honor of having legalized marijuana to supposedly help undermine the black market, instead has had almost the opposite effect.

Wishing you well, Denver and the rest of the USA as the legalization drive overwhelms the Republic. The new kings of pot will be allowed to let the population succumb to this but least of, yet very effective mind numbing drug. The following is an interesting summary of much of what is NOT BAD about pot have since been studied… enjoy and tell me what you think.

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