Passionate lovers come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes men of a larger frame may be in need of a few minor sensual tips in order to make their romantic escapades a bit more satisfying. Naturally, proper male organ health is important for chubby lotharios, just as it is for men of any size and weight. Beyond that, however, there are a few things that the man with something extra needs to remember.

With that in mind, the ample man might want to consider the following.

- The member may appear a bit smaller. In terms of function and quality, it’s absolutely true that manhood size is far overrated; unless a man possesses an organ that is truly a micro-manhood, most men have a tool that is of sufficient size to provide great satisfaction to both him and his partners. However, it is true that member size often has a psychological effect on both the owner of the tool and the recipient of its largesse. It’s also true that in some overweight men, the organ appears smaller due to excess poundage that hides a small portion of the shaft where it meets the body. If a man is in this situation and is bothered by the fact that his organ is not of the length he desires, he may wish to try shaving his groin. This often has the effect of making the member appear larger, even though its true size remains unchanged.

- The man should work on upper body strength. If a man and his partner tend to favor coupling positions in which the man is on top, the man needs to make sure he can support his weight; the partner will be much more comfortable if s/he does not have to bear too much pressure from above. Although a gym has several machines that can work on upper body strength, there are plenty of simple at-home exercises, such as push-ups, that a man can employ instead.

- Think about pillows. The missionary position may also be more easily accomplished if a pillow (or two) is added beneath the partner’s buttocks. This will raise the female organ and create an angle at which ample lovers may achieve penetration more easily.

- Consider positions.  Sensual tips often come down to simply, “What is the best position for this situation?” For many larger men, placing the woman on top is a better option. This may become an issue when the male’s stomach droops down a bit too far into the midsection, covering part of the tool. In these cases, again, a pillow may be a good idea. By raising his own midsection higher, the excess poundage around the middle moves back, allowing greater ease of access to the rod. Doggie style is also a very popular position for plus size men, and there are numerous others to consider (e.g., the flying V, which is basically the missionary position but with the woman’s legs lifted up and her feet or calves placed on the man’s shoulders).

The key for large lovers is to take into consideration one’s weight, the manner in which it is positioned on the body, one’s strength and one’s mobility and to seek out positions that work best for different circumstances.

As mentioned earlier, making sure the equipment is in proper health is among the most valuable of all sensual tips for lovers of any size. Regular use of a top-shelf male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help tremendously in this area. Select a cream that includes in its ingredient list L-arginine; this helps in the creation of nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep blood flowing to the member appropriately. Also important is a quality antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. A powerful antioxidant helps offset oxidative and aging processes at a cellular level and keeps the manhood from looking wrinkled and unattractive.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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