The prepuce is a perfect male organ protection device. That little bit of skin keeps sensitive skin from rubbing up on fabrics, and that could mean that uncut men feel just a little more when the clothes hit the floor and play starts in earnest. But the wrapper can also cause problems from time to time, and when that happens, a red male organ can pop up. Itching, pain and overall discomfort quickly follow. Fortunately, proper male organ care can help. Here are four tips to hasten a man’s recovery.

1) Try Soaks, Not Showers

Red manhood problems caused by the wrapper often involve bacteria that are trapped underneath the prepuce. Pulling back the sheath and scrubbing the area is an ideal way to make the issue go away, but it's not unusual for infections to come with inflammation. That means it might be impossible for men to pull back their damaged tissues to wash the bacteria away.

Warm baths may help. When skin is warmed by water, it tends to become softer and much more flexible. That means a man might be able to pull back his wrapper after a bath, even when he is not able to do so when he's cold.

Even if guys can't pull the wrapper back, by sitting in a bath, they're allowing at least some water to creep up into the space between the male organ and the prepuce. That could help the infection subside, which might mean that another bath the next day could help the wrapper relax enough to allow a man to retract it.

2) Throw Out Antibacterial Soaps

While red manhood issues caused by the wrapper may be associated with bacteria, it isn't wise to use antibacterial soaps to fight the problem. These products are very harsh, and they can strip moisture away from damaged manhood cells. That might make the skin even less flexible and even more inflamed, which can make pain worse and healing less likely.

Plain water, and plenty of it, is all that's required for male organ cleansing. There's no need for soaps of any kind down there.

3) Drink Plenty of Water

Just as the manhood needs water for rinsing, it also needs water for inner hydration. Water inside the cells allows the immune system to flush out invaders, and it keeps the skin plump and flexible, so the wrapper has the elasticity it needs.

Typically, men need eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. But men dealing with an infection or a red male organ might need even more water. Downing the stuff regularly may not be fun, but it can be a vital part of the healing process.

4) Get Expert Help

While at-home tips might help some wrapper problems subside, there are some conditions that won't heal without the help of a doctor. Men with these symptoms should consider getting help as soon as possible:

- Bleeding

- Inability to pee

- Fever

- Overwhelming pain

In addition, men who have been dealing with red manhood issues and wrapper problems for more than a few days should see a doctor. It's possible that they need more intensive treatments in order to really get better.

Prevention is Key

A red male organ can be painful, so it's best to prevent it before it even gets started. A male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. These products contain a mix of vitamins that can keep the size of bacterial colonies in check, and the emollients keep skin smooth and soft, so there are no cracks for invaders to hide in. By using a product like this every day, men can keep their tackle healthier, and that might mean fewer red manhood problems in the future.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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