Millions of books sold every year by the publishers and individual authors. Self-help books are devoured by Americans and Canadians at an astoundingly incredible rate, yet most writers have overlooked this extremely lucrative marketthe easiest of all markets to break. Here is a chance for you to capitalize on it.

If your mind is swirling full with ideas or thoughts, this excellent opportunity of writing and self-publishing will show you how to turn your ideas into informative manuscripts that will help other people too and can make you real lots of money.

 Barry Eisler defines self-publishing: It means you keep the rights to your book and publish it yourself using distributor/retailers like Amazon, Apple, B&N, Kobo, Smashwords, and Sony, typically retaining 70% of the cover price instead of the 17.5% offered by legacy publishers (for digital editions). This isn’t what “most people” mean when they say self-publishing; it’s what everybody means when they say self-publishing.

For writing a book and self-publishing of it, all of the costs come from your pocket, to get a professional cover design, quality editing, and e-book formatting. But I think, you can afford those things, and the good news is that some of the tasks you can perform and complete online absolutely Free!

Don’t you be one of the thousands of people waiting for the ‘right time’? There will always be something, an excuse of some kind for not taking any action. So make the commitment right now!

 With this creation you can ease yourself gently into a new career and enjoy a very full and prosperous independent writer’s life. No editors, no subsidy or no vanity publishers are involved.

It is not just a business, but a powerful business if you know the insiders secrets. You can begin your career in self-publishing with very nominal capital. You can check my book How To Write And Self-publish Your Way To Riches! on Amazon for your complete know how on writing and self-publishing.

When you write a book, even a small book, people look at you surprisingly, with pride, with respect, with envy and with astonishment that you could even do it and with an inner desire to do the same thing.

Preparing a how-to book or manual is a little different than that of preparing a simple report or directory. The techniques are equally applicable to simple or sophisticated works of informative writing— any style, any size of big or small.

 This article is based on my book:
How To Write And Self-publish Your Way To Riches!” 

I welcome most for your reviews and any of your comments.

Nagendra Dutt Sharma

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