More and more today, couples are opting to add sensual toys to their private lives. This in no way diminishes the healthy firm male organ and the job that it performs in keeping a couple's romantic life happy; rather, it is an acknowledgement that there is a whole world of options in a couple's romantic play, and nowadays anything can be considered. Sensual toys will never replace a tool that has been given diligent male organ care through the years – nor should they – but they can add a delectable touch of spice that makes any couple's experiences more fun.

Not a Requirement

Naturally, there's nothing that says that any couple has to incorporate sensual toys into their romantic activities. Many, many couples are perfectly happy using their own body parts and nothing else in the bedroom.

But what about those who do want to look into expanding their horizons by adding toys into the mix? Where do they begin?


The first step, of course, is to make sure that both partners are on the same page. Are both partners interested in exploring the use of sensual toys? Is one more interested than the other? Are there any specific concerns that should be aired and addressed?

We’re All Different

No two couples are the same, of course, and so what one couple is ready to do in terms of using sensual toys  may differ from what another couple is prepared to do; however, here are a few general guidelines for beginners looking for some new sensual devices.

- Start slow (or small). Purchasing a massive male organ replica right out of the gate may not be the wisest decision. A small handheld vibrating egg or massager may be more appropriate for two people who are just beginning to explore. This kind of device can be used on the male organ and on the external area of the female organ to provide stimulation. If a person is ready for some form of insertion (in the female organ or male or female posterior), a more petite male organ replica is probably a better bet for starters.

- Ring it up. Many men find that wearing a male organ ring can really enhance their sensual experience – and just having their partner place it on their tools can be an exciting sensation. Care simply needs to be taken in picking the kind (leather, plastic, silicone, metal, etc.) that seems best. Some men also may feel more comfortable shaving their genitals before using a ring, in order to lessen the chance of pubic hairs being pulled inadvertently.

- Ball it (or bead it). Many beginners find using Ben-wa balls or vibrating beads quite pleasurable. These are small, round objects, usually strung together, which are inserted carefully into the female organ to provide direct stimulation. However, the user must be comfortable with the insertion of objects into the female organ and may need to work up to these. Ben-wa balls or beads are often used to provide secret sensual stimulation while in public.

There are many other sensual toy options for beginners to consider; the most important thing is to choose a toy with which the user feels comfortable and to follow any instructions. (If lubrication is required, users should apply both the appropriate amount and pay attention to the kind of lubricant – such as water-based versus oil-based – that is recommended.)

Occasionally sensual toys can result in a bit of rawness or soreness on a man's firm male organ; using a nourishing male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help address this issue. Men should look for a cream that contains a high-end emollient (Shea butter is excellent) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to attend to any soreness resulting from toy use (or other causes). It's also best to select a cream that includes alpha lipoic acid, a superior antioxidant that may offset harmful oxidative and aging processes in manhood cell metabolism.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites. 

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