Without your knowing, Google has created a review site for your business and in fact for pretty much every business in every country.

Please stop and think: without your knowing, Google have gone ahead and created a reputation website for you, where every person with access to the internet, can rate you, your staff and they can review your business. Anybody, who looks up your business name, your city and the word review, will find your Google review site!

Now, while this might be a good thing, it also has some caveats. What is someone who was served by your business, who just happened to be served with someone on your staff on their bad day decides to give you a bad review?

What would it do to your online reputation?

ReviewMeToday - Reputation Building Made Easy

What if such incidents were to happen not only once but several times over? Would you not rather be in control of such a situation? Well now you can.

Did you know that 70% of customers trust a business with a minimum of 6-10 reviews?

Or that approximately 72% of consumers say that they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations?

Or that 52% say that positive online reviews make them more likely to use a local business?

On the flipside, bad reviews can kill a local business…

Which means, the more positive reviews a local business can get, the faster they will push out the negative reviews… AND make more sales.

But that’s not all…

The more local reviews a business has, the better Google rankings they’ll have too.

What does this mean for you?

These shocking truths open the doors to a BIG opportunity for you, whether you’re a small business or a large franchise.

What if your business could get more positive reviews than ever before, with a simple service that practically runs on autopilot?

Now you can, right here:

see how to generate positive business reviews on autopilot!

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