
Sokule Info:



Gooday Readers,


Perhaps you've heard the news that

SOKULE is the hottest new community

in social networking.


Since announcing our launch thousands

of people just like YOU have joined our

ranks of avid "sqeekers" and "trackers."


And it's no wonder why!


SOKULE is Twitter monetized.


That means you can get PAID for

posting at SOKULE.


Our advanced features, like whopping

500 word posts and instant syndication

to more than 40 top social networking

sites, are making SOKULE a natural

for business.


Since SOKULE's launch, we're hearing

that it's better than marketing, it's

better than advertising, it’s better

than email -- it's SOKULE!


Remember getting your own SOKULE

account is FREE. And it couldn't be



If you can post on Twitter, you'll have

no problem posting on SOKULE.


The difference is we offer dozens of

hot NEW features that probably will

never been seen on Twitter or any

other social networking site.


* Paid members are allowed massive

500 character posts.


* Upgrade your followers to a paid

account and receive generous 30% to

50% commissions!


* See daily lists of people tracking you,

even remove trackers who aren’t

tracking you..


* Include LIVE links on your profile page.


* Add video ads, text ads, and photos

to your affiliate page.


* Schedule posts in advance to appear

whenever you like!


* AND we keep adding new features

on a regular basis week after week,

month after month, for years to come!!!


SOKULE gives anyone the ability to use

powerful applications to quickly and

easily build a HUGE, highly

TARGETED audience.


Anyone who has spent 10 minutes in

sales knows THIS is the way to

generate easy sales and BIG profits.


Now I can't close this message without

reminding you one more time that we're

offering a FABULOUS Founder



This is a very privileged level in our

organization that can only be extended

to a limited number of members.


* You earn HUGE 50 percent

commissions on every sale!


* Get instant FREE access to each

and every new feature we introduce

for as long as you remain a member,

including sizzling applications others

will pay monthly for!


* Get advance notice when any new

feature is introduced, so you can inform

your followers.  They'll know YOU have

insider access to the latest features.


If you're serious about social networking

or grabbing a hungry herd of targeted

customers who thirst for everything you

sell -- this "Founder Membership" is

the way you should go.


Get started NOW at:


Jimbo Jenkins

Passionate Sokule Squeeker


Affiliate Disclosure: I am grateful to be of service and bring you content, Like this e-mail or blog post, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in my e-mails or Blog and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your Support in Purchasing through these links enables me to empower more people Worldwide to live more conscious lives.


Thank You!

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