Although a man sometimes puts his hands down his pants to have a good time, it’s more often a sign of an itchy manhood – and with all the sweating that goes on in the private area, it’s no wonder that the male organ can be an itch factory. Fortunately, the wise man knows that a little extra male organ care can help to keep an itchy manhood under better control.


A male organ can itch for any number of reasons, but often the reason has a link back to sweat. Sweat by itself can create an itchy sensation, as the little droplets can create a need to scratch as they travel across the skin. Of course, a skin rash can cause itching as well – and many skin rashes show up on the male organ or the accompanying area as a result of the bacteria that often accompanies sweat. An infection can also create an itchy situation, and some infections are caused by or irritated by the bacteria being carried around by…well, sweat.

Why sweat?

Many men wonder, “Why is sweating even necessary?” Those who perspire like a horse and find summer a particularly challenging time of year are often prone to this sentiment.

The truth is that sweat is a very important part of the body’s protective system. Although it may seem inconvenient and embarrassing, it is nature’ own air conditioning system, as the sweat generated when one is hot provides a thin coating of moisture which helps to cool the body down.  It also helps to remove waste products from the body (which partially accounts for the odor that accompanies the perspiration!).

Sweat glands

Sweat occurs (not surprisingly) in areas where there are sweat glands. Sweat glands are found in almost all parts of the body, including the testicles and the male organ – but not in the glans of the male organ, only in the shaft.

Some men who are intact may experience times when their male organ is especially sweat-prone. This is because (1) the heat of the sheath layer creates a bit more of an opportunity for sweat, and (2) the sweat can sometimes become trapped between the sheath and the shaft.

Often, when men talk about sweat on the male organ, they are actually talking about a mixture of sweat (from the sweat glands) and oil (from the sebaceous glands), as well as other possible liquids such as pre-seminal fluid.

Stopping the itch by stemming the sweat

There are several steps a man can take to lessen the amount of private area sweat and therefore impact how itchy his male organ may be.  These include:

1) Airing out the equipment. Keeping the male organ buried beneath both a pair of underwear and trousers easily leads to overheating; letting the male organ “roam free” for a while in the privacy of one’s own home can help to cool it off and allow some of the sweaty aroma to dissipate.

2) Shaving. Trimming or completely shaving the hair will make the private area cooler and less prone to sweat.

3) Underwearing sensibly. Tight briefs or boxer briefs tend to create a compression situation which leads to increased heat and more sweat. Loose-fitting cotton boxers may be a better alternative for many men.

4) Washing. It’s important to wash the male organ frequently; for most men, daily washing is necessary. However, men need to make sure that they use a mild soap that will not irritate or dry out the male organ skin.

5) Using a cream.  Daily use of a first rate male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is crucial for overall male organ health and can play a big role in preventing an itchy manhood. It’s important to find a cream that includes a knock-out moisturizing combination (such as a high end emollient like shea butter and a natural hydrator like vitamin E) in order to moisturize the skin; ironically, sweat depletes the skin of moisture and causes it to dry out. Also needed in the cream: vitamin A. This vitamin has anti-bacterial properties, which a sweaty male organ needs; as it fights the bacteria, it also helps reduce unwanted male organ odor – a major complaint of many female partners.

 Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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