“Truth or Dare,” Spin the Bottle, and 7 Minutes in Heaven are all popular at adolescent boy-girl parties.  The combination of innocent experimentation with raging hormones and some naughty ideas are all it takes to get some good party games going for young tweens and teens.  But who says the fun and excitement has to stop once adulthood sets in? Learn some surprising truths that may not be common knowledge, and take these dares to spice up everyday sensual acts -- it’s a double dog dare.  Finally, because adulthood does come with certain responsibilities, learn how to play and have fun while keeping maintaining male organ health and safety.

Truth:  Oral play can cause cancer of the mouth          

Yup, unfortunately, something as seemingly benign as a good hummer can cause certain kinds of cancer.  Men and women who are infected with the human papillomavirus can spread the virus to partners via oral contact, and that virus can lead to oral cancer in some individuals.  Luckily, being careful about outbreaks and always using barrier protection – male or female – during oral contact can help prevent the spread of the virus between partners.

Dare: When performing safe oral contact with protection in place, spice things up a little by adding an ice cube to the mix.  The intense cold of the cube being rubbed on those delicate areas mingled with the hotness of one’s breath will invigorate a humdrum performance. Pop the cube in the giver’s mouth to create a sultry mix of hot and cold!

Truth:  Many women cannot reach a height of pleasure from penetrative contact alone

That’s correct.  Sure, it would be easier if a guy had to concentrate on little more than thrusting, but for most women, he could pump away all night long and she’d never get there.  That is because the most sensitive, nerve-packed lady part on a woman is located on the outside, where it is more difficult for the male organ to stimulate from thrusting alone.  Luckily, there are other ways to get the job done and most men don’t mind a little extra work for a big payoff.

Dare: Bring a vibrating toy into the bedroom, or simply pull it out of her bedside stand.  Not just for self-pleasure, these toys can – and should – be integrated into a couple’s intimate sessions.  This can make it easier for the woman to get there – double dare bonus points for the man who allows experimentation with the toy on him!

Truth: Barrier protection always needs to be changed when switching activities

Absolutely!  Though it may seem easy enough to go from one point of entry to another– so long as the man never came – this is an extremely dangerous practice.  For instance, going from back door to conventional entry without changing the latex barrier would introduce fecal matter into the female passage and could cause an infection.  Not only is it a good idea to switch protection between activities, it is also a good idea to wash hands to prevent the spread of infection as well.

Dare:  Many couples consider back door entry to be the final frontier, but it is one that should only be explored if both partners are feeling daring.  In order for the activity to be successful, it needs to proceed very slowly – to prevent tearing, rupture, or bleeding -- and must always be performed with a brand new latex barrier.  It doesn’t hurt to use a lot of lube, too – the more, the better!

Keeping the male organ healthy

When it comes to male organ health, a man should never be daring when it comes to his health.  Careful, consistent use of latex barriers can prevent the spread of partner transmitted infections – some of which, by the way, have been linked to male infertility problems – in addition to other scary health issues.   Getting regular physical exams from a doctor, including frequent screens for partner transmitted infections, is also key to protecting the health of both partners.  Finally, daily use of a male organ vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) specially designed with male organ specific nutrients can improve the appearance and sensitivity of the manhood – and that’s the truth.

Visit http://www.man1health.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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