Certain cells found in the dermal tissue have the ability to create Vitamin D, an essential nutrient that is not made in the body in sufficient amounts, when the skin is exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Unfortunately, when it comes to the male organ, men who choose to catch some targeted rays might end up in a heap of trouble. Public exposure is generally not something that is accepted in all places, and that's a shame, because Vitamin D is a really important part of any man's male organ care routine. Thankfully, there are a number of things men can do to get the right blend of male organ vitamins, and none of them involve getting arrested.

Why the D?

There is a long list of vitamins that are important for male organ health, but Vitamin D might be one of the most important. Why? First, because it has the ability to boost cardiovascular health.

The little tubes and vessels that carry blood from the heart into the cells of the male organ can become clogged, slowing down the flow of blood; and sometimes, blockages can keep blood from moving at all.

Studies suggest that Vitamin D has the power to keep this kind of plumbing clear, as people who have low D levels have a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes, both of which can be traced back to clogged arteries.

In addition to those clog-busting benefits, Vitamin D has also been associated with electrical activity in the cardiovascular system. It sounds complicated, but in essence, heart beats and blood vessel movements are regulated by tiny electrical impulses. When those little zaps come too close together, too far apart or at irregular intervals, it puts a lot of stress on the heart. Vitamin D can keep things moving in the proper fashion.

Other Possible Benefits

The male organ is also under attack on a regular basis from all sorts of invaders, including:

- Yeast cells

- Virus cells

- Bacterial cells

- Skin sugars

Fending off an infection or an illness takes a significant amount of energy, and some research suggests that Vitamin D helps to support the immune system. At this point, researchers have focused on the role of the vitamin in protecting people from colds, but it's easy to see how those results might also apply to male organ health.

How to Get Vitamin D

Since basking in the sun is out for most men, they'll need to get Vitamin D either through a capsule or a lotion.

Grocery stores, pharmacies and vitamin shops all offer oral capsules and powders that contain Vitamin D, but those formulas do come with some dangers. It's possible to take in too much of this particular element when it comes in oral form, and some experts suggest that people should get a blood test before they start using an oral vitamin.

Topical medications are a safer bet, as the vitamin doesn't tend to accumulate in the body when it's applied directly to the skin. Plus, a hand-to-male organ application process allows a guy to put his nutrition right where it belongs, without worrying about misapplying or misappropriating anything.

A male organ vitamin crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) makes this process really easy. Products like this pair vitamin D with other ingredients that can also provide significant health benefits down below. Shea butter, Vitamin E and Vitamin C are all also included in a quality product, and there's no odor or grease left behind after an application. A man can just take a small amount of the product and massage it into the skin carefully, allowing it to go to work to nourish the male cells and providing all the benefits that these nutrients have to offer. 

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