Converting audio files into text files is what audio transcription service is all about. Many companies around the world are providing this service to their customers. This kind of service is needed by the companies who want to keep a written record of their data. So the data that is available to them in audio format is converted in text format for their convenience.

The companies, who are providing the audio transcription service, hire a person who transcribes the data in the audio format into text format. This person is known as the transcriptionist. Another person that is hired for this task is the proofreader. The role of the proofreader is that he has to make sure that the data has been transcribed correctly and there is no mistake in the transcribed data.

When the transcriptionist is listening to the audio file, he has to make sure that he is completely attentive. If he will not be attentive, he won’t be able to transcribe the data properly. So, he needs to work will full concentration. He should listen to the audio file again and again in order to make sure that he has made no mistake while transcribing the text.

When he is done with his job, he hands over the audio file as well as the text file to the proofreader. The proofreader needs to be more attentive and needs to pay more attention towards the audio file, because he is the one whose duty is to check whether the transcriptionist has transcribed the data properly or not. When he is done with the proofreading, the text file is handed over to the customer.

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