The letterheads are an integral part of a business organization. By following certain points you can create an exclusive letterhead design. To know about the points you have to read this article.

Using a proper letterhead in business communication is a very common thing. The companies prefer to use a letterhead to convey any idea to their clients, supplier or stakeholders. This helps to create their brand identity and also increases credibility. But there are certain things that you must give importance to while designing a letterhead. The design should be unique as this piece of paper is going to represent your company. You can take the help of letterhead printing services in Brisbane.

Few guidelines are stated in this article which will definitely help you to create a proper letterhead:

Try to Keep it Simple: Avoid any kind of flashy and loud while designing a company's letterhead. The decent letterhead will grab the attention of the target audience much faster. A letterhead will never help in the growth of your business but a simple design will definitely help to create some kind of recognition.

Content Portion: The content part of the letterhead is almost same for all companies. What you can do is that you can highlight the content portion by using attractive fonts and color. Mainly the letterhead includes the name of the company along with the address, mobile number, email address, fax number and the website. It is better to keep enough space in the letterhead to state the actual content.

Place the Company's Logo in a Proper Place: In general, while printing a letterhead the company's logo is placed on the topmost part of the letter. Then below the logo the company's name and address and further information are given. The logo size must match with the font size. If you want to give it a traditional look, you can place the information at the bottom portion of the letterhead which is followed by a narrow border.

Incorporate color: Inclusion of too many colors in a letterhead will distract the reader from the main purpose of the letter. Unless you want to create a black and white letterhead, you can include colors in it. But it would be best to include two colors which go best with the logo design.

Fonts: Using the right font or typography in the letterhead is very important. The fonts should be easy to read as much important information is included inside the letterhead. If you have problem in selecting the right font, you can print different letterhead. This will help you to select the best one.

Branding: While carrying out the design, make sure you do not forget to include the logo of your company. Proper letterhead will help you to create brand identity.

Following these above tips will help you to create a proper letterhead for your company.

John P Thomas has written many articles about various graphic design services including poster printing, brochure printing, envelope printing and printing of cheap business cards in Brisbane. In this article he has written about letterhead printing.

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