Before Two year back in an interview article of Mr. Matt Evans (SEO Manger of which is actually taken by Lee Odden who is working with as Internet marketing expert published some predicted brief about upcoming challenges in SeO.

"I predict we'll see many more announcements from the engines supporting new technical innovations like we've seen in the past with canonical tags, XML sitemaps, rel=”nofollow”, and RDFa tags." that has been proved this year"

Search engines are becoming much smarter and looking to deliver as much as possible relevant and user interface result that is actual demand of a searcher, Especially Google and Bing they have started up to give the value of those website, which or not only having good content, social presence, and product pages.

Now search engines are seeking those websites which are completely exclusive and responsive on all platform like Mobile Device, Browser Compability, Test Formats, Informatic Pictures, Website Speed, Loading time and server response, Ip Canonical Issues, Bredcullums, URL Structure, root Directory, Sub Directory, Product Landing Pages, User Ingagment Interface such like as Star Rating, Social Saring Tabs, Video Description, and discussion these all features make a sense to add the value added factors for ranking up a website. As Seo webmaster need to be more updated about the overall these factors that should be include in SEO campaign.

Reason is simply why they need to follow or accept these all factors? Just suppose if you are going in shop store and asking particular products from range. What a store will display you they display the number of products and ranges with different features? Yes surely you would also love to buy perfect products that complete your all needs.

Same search engine are looking to show the best results to the user so which platoform has good content, back links, social presence, but if doesn't has the good technology of coding, heavy loading time, unresponsive designing and absent of user inclusion, in the time of competition a search engine can hot has this website in top rank position for a long time.

  1. What could be the solutions for code level seo? Make perfect plan of website design and development with SEO expert on the concept of how to interact the people for loving your product, what could be additional features that can be liked from user.Look for technical manager for selecting right company for your development. As if you are looking to finish your web designs and development your manager, which is non technical cannot be a good choice to select a right company. See the presented below some latest techniques that can help you drive a good response from your website.

  2. Select Standards Compliant HMTL & CSS: This is a latest technique, which is most popular in current trend of Search engine Optimization . based coding is currently the best option when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation. This style of coding separates the content from the design elements. Pages are created with the code for the content and then a single CSS file is attached via the <head> section of the web page. See more at

  3. Validate your HMTL Code: However, nowadays search engines going to be more capable to read the all codes of a website, but still now search engine spiders are gathering the information of your web pages in the form of read text and follow links. This may be easy to present much smarter browser nowadays like Chrome, Mozzila, Safari or internet explorer your uncompleted tag of html code for use, but for robots this is still an error. So validate your site use this tool will show you all broken links that, can be solved from your webmaster or web designer easily. To check about how the search engine are reviewing your pages in a technical code use a free tool “Search Engine Spider Simulator” this will show the missing data and the way for validating your codes.

  4. Have a Perfect (SEF) Website URL Structure : Are you aware with the updates of current algorithm Google not only penalized the website which was having the spam link building backlnks, those website also hit which was having the Spammy keywords based url structure? Your SEO manager needs to suggest having good structure based herarchy following some suggestions are shared?Descide Parent Folder, Parent Diretory, Parent Products With an easy to Read, Easy to Browse Functionality. Have A Responsive Searh Bar which can suggest the best similar result to the user incase of wrong query. Have Custom 404 Nofollow, NoindexPage for avoiding wrong URL typing in search bar.Avoid Much Lenthy URL structure and Repeated Information in Folder to >>Direcory, Directory to >>Sub Directory and Sub Directory to >>landing Page.

  5. Follow Breadcrumbs Design Pattern to Go > Forward and Go <Back> for Easy browsing from Folder to Directory, Directory to Folder, and other proceed structure. See the following share one perfect example of using this structure, Home>Folder>Directory>Subdirectory>Landing Pages: For example a user is watcing the products on the landing page that is showing a perticular on project only, now visitor want tos explore the bunch of all prodcuts from that sub directory, he can browse it from a single in ob Subdirectory hyper linked page. That is not possible to make user reponsiver from dropdown menu now it is easy from bredcrumbs design. Follow an useful article which is published on Search Engine Watch telling the video description of Matt Cutts: If You Have Multiple Breadcrumbs, Google Picks the First One . Type of Breadcrumbs That Improve SEO: Simple HTMl Breadcrumbs A option of breadcrumbs would look like:

Home > Marvel Comics > Fantastic Four > Fantastic Four

And the HTML code would look like:

<a href="">Home</a> &gt;

<a href="">Marvel Comics</a> &gt;

<a href="">Fantastic Four</a> &gt;

<a href="">Fantastic Four #48: The Coming of Galactus</a>

"In this example the last access represents a particular comedian. This comic's mother or father is the sequence it comes from. This series' mother or father is the organization it comes from. The organization's mother or father is the website's homepage."

6. Handle Duplicate Cotnent Issue with the use of Use “rel=canonical” Tagg : Either you are using a ecommerce website in any technolgy or working on blog that can be in wordpress, Magento, Joomla or Durpal. In this scenrio whenver you will publish new content through your website it may be problem can happen from automatically create URLs. Adding a canonical tag on your page which you want to show search engine can solve your problem. Follow a good aricel over Canonical URL Tag - The Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps published

7. Avoid Duplicate Content Issue in Multilingual Website Pages through "rel="alternate" hreflang="x": A website can targets the visitors from around the world it may the searchers can be well friendly with english, where as som visitors can be friendly in their local languages like Spanish or Italy. This is not a hard task to make a website with two language or three language based website to help with content that's translated or targeted to users in a certain region. But do you know that what can be problem in this case. As your main langauge is english that is translating in to the various format and languages to the user according to thier browsing... but what happenig your origincal conent is english that is translating in different-different language that is clear duplicate.

What can you do with "rel="alternate" hreflang="x" from keeping away in this aboce scenerio? Think about you have a main english conent web page organised at, with a Spanish Langauge substitute at You can indicate to Search engines that the Spanish Langauge URL is the Spanish-language comparative of the British web page in one of three ways:

HTML link element in header. In the HTML <head> section of, add a link element pointing to the Spanish version of that webpage at, like this:

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="" />

HTTP header. If you publish non-HTML files (like PDFs), you can use an HTTP header to indicate a different language version of a URL:

Link: <>; rel="alternate"; hreflang="es"

Sitemap. Instead of using markup, you can submit language version information in a Sitemap.

For More Information Visit

8. Be alert to host your website with a perfect server

Do you know in this scenario this factor has the importance always? Look for your requirement and targeting audience. If your audience is worldwide than, you can have your website hosting on U.S located server location, but if you want to target a specific country for your website , set up your hosting server location to that particular location. Google always look for show as much as possible local search results related to country level query.

9. USE Microdata (A search engine friendly Langauge that clarify the data of your website)This is a new era of seo developing efforts and not only help to boost your rank on top position also help to have a good standord of clickthrough rates. On June 2, 2011, Google, Bing, and Yahoo! announced that they will be using a standard set of schema for data markup on web pages - see more at

How can you get began with microdata tags?

To get a experience for what your completed marked-up rule will look like, consider the following imaginary HTML web page for the "Avatar" example:

<div itemscope itemtype="">


<span>Director: Wayne Cameron (born Aug 16, 1954)</span>

<span>Science fiction</span>

<a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html">Trailer</a>


In this example, the "movie" microdata tag has been included to the "div" place, specifying that details in this written text place of the website represents a movie. The "itemscope" tag informs the google that all material in this particular "div" place pertains to the "itemtype" described (in this situation, "movie").

For more understanding on how to incorporate microdata into your HTML rule, try studying the "Getting Started Guide" on After your programming is finish, consider operating your web page through Google "rich snippets testing tool" follow link to experience this to be sure your microdata is parsing properly and offering the obtain the most to your webpages.

10. Make a Social Sharing Platform or User Engaged Space on Discuss with Open Graph Tags for Social Platform

Do you know advanced search engine likes google is much smarter and looks to grab the reliable content driven from real peoples, if your website discussion is continue sharing on social platform it will not only help to improve your brand popularity also help in to boost your ranking. As earlier so many internet marketing experts have said about the importance of social media in 2012 and 2014 , it will continue in 2014 as it is now, but most important factor is here how much followers love about your posts, experience and information.

Use <meta property="og:{tagName}" content="{tagValue}"/> along with your infographic image see the one best example for this taken from

<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock" />

<meta property="og:type" content="" />

<meta property="og:url" content="" />

<meta property="og:image" content="" />

Above tags are exploring the detail of images infogrphics to the social site spider and search engines.

Note: Views indicated in this article are experienced of a indiviudal person. I will suggest you to take a review from your best possible resource about above shared techniques for organic search results through optimizaton. However these all tactics are well known, but need to pre-analyse before applying actual on your website.

About Author: Neha Sharma is well known search engine optimization expert for , She is a good search engine marketing tacts discoverer and loves to cover this industry through her rich experience in digital marketing strategies, blogginng and driving high standord of result on ROI based investment in technology. Follow Neha on Google Plus, Twiter, and Facebook!

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