Why Women Matter

women matter

                                                                                                                                         Women are important in life period. What I’m focused on right now is marketing matters. Women make up 77% of my income. I would like that to be a 50-50 male to female ratio but hasn’t happened.


I can make up to $550 per quarter on average per lady and up to $2,000 per man on any given offer. Since I know this I have the advantage of how to go about marketing to each.


Do you know who you are marketing to and If not why? It is crucial that you know information about your audience and customers.


My Findings on Women


They are in tuned to things that we as men dismiss, in my opinion. If someone farts in a room men would laugh or be really angry…30 minutes later men have moved on but women will remember it for the next 3 months to 30 years.

When a woman likes me as a business person she really likes me. If she hates me then you know…but if she dismisses me then that is a problem. Not because I can’t get her to buy something once or twice but for years.


So over the years I have studied women and their reactions to things almost every day. What I found out is that women are mistreated, taken for granted and ignored for a large part of their life.


First I would like to say it bothers me. Next, I reverse the roles when a woman does it to me and get the sales for years to come. I let her know how I feel of which she feels thus she understands me better.


Now this is an ongoing process but it seems to work and I have made some longtime friends…enemies but always customers.


I had meant to go off on tantrum but somehow I wrote this, so it must be a message for somebody out there.


Thanks for your time


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