• Does your Bankruptcy preparer understand how your bankruptcy will affect your taxes or potential Mortgage Negotiation?

  • Do they understand how it will affect the home purchase you are planning?  (AND YES: with our programs you can still buy a home with Nothing Down even with a one day old bankruptcy).

  • Is your Mortgage Lender educated in the creative financing techniques that will allow you to buy with nothing down, no matter what your credit situation?  We do.

  • Does your Tax Preparertake the time to ask the questions that can save you hundreds? Sometimes even thousands of dollars? Ours do!

  • Does your Credit Specialist know (or for that matter even care) whether Credit Repair is really a better optionthan a bankruptcy, based on your unique set of circumstances?  Quite frankly, sometimes Credit Repair is better,but often it is not...  Our Professionals KNOW the difference and will always give you an honest opinion of what's best for your circumstances.

  • Does your Mortgage Negotiator know how to potentially use the leverage of bankruptcy to negotiate a better deal?  Or how to use a combination of these options to let you to live in your home rent free for up to a year or more? 

    • As a home owner, you have MANY options, and most service providers aren't aware of them...  Andeven if they are it may not matter...  

  • Are they willing to lose a sale by telling you that what you need is something they can't do?  

    • Realize... Because we do it all, ASN has no financial incentive to recommend one service over another...   Our goal is simple... to serve you.

Unlike companies that provide only one particular service and therefore have a compelling financial interest in convincing you that THEIR service is THE answer to YOUR problems... ASN provides all relevant services and options to credit, debt, real estate, taxes and many other issues...


Consequently, we can afford to give you nothing but the truth.

The point is, we have no financial incentive to recommend one service over another.  We do not have an "Our one solution fixes all of your problems", bias.  We have only one bias-- only one goal...  To provide you with the best service, the most comprehensive information available on the realistic options and then let you decide which solution is best for your circumstances.

For a free No Obligation Consultation with one of our Financial Service Specialists,

Call Toll Free 877 604 6636

When calling please reference Service ID Code AN41204 

ASN Solutions for Today!

We are THE One Stop Source for solutions to the most pressing financial

issues faced in today's tumultuous society... 





Insurance-- If you live in the US, you have Insurance and you are probably paying too much!  We are constantly getting letters of thanks from people that took the time to get a quote and are now saving over $300 per year!

Credit-- Identity theft and credit card fraud is rampant.  We have assembled the premier Credit and Identity protection companies in one convenient location.  If your credit is important to you, you need to know what is on your report and how to protect it.  This page lets you do both!

Travel-- If you want to travel, you want the most choices and at the very best prices.  This page gives you those options.

Loans-- We all, occasionally get caught with more month than money.  This page gives you links to several companies that  will provide short term, no credit check loans.  If you  need quick money, it's here!

Real Estate-- This economy has created the opportunity to find some of the best buys and investments available in decades. We provide several sources that will help you get the very best real estate buys available


Want a bigger return on your money?  Do you have money to lend?

Prosper Marketplace


 Disability Income Help

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