1. Expanded Geographical Reach

  2. Expanded Customer Base
    It provides the customer another purchase of channel of the client business and also attracts & retains the customers for the next level.

  3. Increase Visibility through Search Engine Marketing
    Hardly, 60% of the business is going through online marketing and consumers are increasingly searching for information on internet prior to purchase. Make the business visible to the customers.

  4. Provide Customers valuable information about your business

  5. Available 24/7/365 - Never Closed

  6. Build Customer Loyalty
    It is seldom a customer in a shop in real world gets information about the company or on all products range, nor any sample. Whereas in e-commerce virtual shop the customers get every information about the business or can even get a free sample.

Trade Online

  1. Reduction of Marketing and Advertising Costs
    This refers to the parceling out of the production process to contractors who are geographically dispersed but who are connected to each other via computer networks. The benefits of network production include: reduction in costs, more strategic target marketing, and the facilitation of selling add-on products, services, and new systems when they are needed.

  2. Collection of Customer Data
    E-commerce facilitates organization networks, wherein small firms depend on “partner” firms for supplies and product distribution to address customer demands more effectively.

  3. Better Analysis & Reporting
    Better business analysis and reporting can be prepared. With regards to the overall customer purchase and online marketing, the clients can easily analysis the business.
(... To read more about it, check here:- Advantage of e-commerce).

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