Every smoker knows that smoking kills. Some of the dangers of smoking include cancer, emphysema and heart disease. The sooner you quit smoking; the sooner your health risks are reduced.

The first thing you need to do when you're ready to quit is to decide to quit. If you lack the willpower needed to quit you might consider using hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking.

You, like millions of others, can use hypnosis to quit smoking, programming your subconscious mind to break your psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes.

How Does Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking work?

A hypnotherapist helps you quit smoking by putting positive suggestions about giving up your smoking habit into your subconisous mind. It also helps by replacing your triggers, such as driving or eating, with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting.

Hypnotherapy can help you overcome your triggers and cravings by replacing them with positive images about becoming smoke free.

Self Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

You can use self hypnosis at home with nearly any audio technology. The ability for self hypnosis to overcome your smoking habit will vary depending on your susceptibility to being hypnotized.

There are many people who have used self Hypnosis to Quit Smoking with virtually no withdrawal symptoms or cravings.

The Advantages of Using Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking

While there are many quit smoking alternatives including nicotine patches and gums, hypnosis has been found to be the best method for people who are really motivated to quit. Using hypnosis to quit smoking also has some unique benefits.

Some of these benefits include:

* The treatment is completely drug free

* Hypnosis can boost your self confidence in other areas of your life

* Your session can be tailored to address your personal smoking triggers and habits

* Hypnosis to quit smoking often only takes one session and involves no long-term costs

* Hypnotherapy focuses on the positive aspects of becoming smoke free instead of resisting something you love

* You also improve your health once you quit

How to Find a Reliable Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking Program

Finding the right hypnotherapist to help you quit smoking is a matter of personal preference. If you look on line there are hundreds of hypnosis programs to help you quit smoking.

The key is to ask how many smokers they have already successfully helped to quit smoking. Anyone who has helped over 100 has a well established program that has a very good chance of working for you.

You can also use one of the quit smoking self hypnosis programs available on MP3 or CD that can be used in the privacy of your home. One program that helps smokers quit from many different angles can be found here: http://quitsmokingwithselfhypnosis.com

No matter what method you choose, the decision to quit smoking is the best decision you’ll ever make. As you already know, quitting smoking greatly reduces serious risks to your health in the future.

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