QoinPro is new. It was conceptualized in December 2013 and launched on January 29, 2014. It's a multi-coin faucet with wallet-like features giving Bitcoin as well as other different free cryptocoin on a daily basis to all subscribed members.

The multi-coin faucet functionality is step one of a much larger plan to eventually become a leading cryptocurrency platform. Their primary objective in step one is to educate people and making it (very) easy for them to get started with cryptocurrencies.

Once you sign up for QoinPro, You'll begin to receive free cryptocoin each and every day without having to do anything more. There's no catch. You won't be asked to upgrade or give them any money and you don't even have to visit their website again until it's time to claim your coin. You'll receive not only Bitcoin but also Litecoin, FeatherCoin, FedoraCoin, Worldcoin, Earthcoin, InfiniteCoin. Others may be added at some time in the future.

At present the daily amount that you receive right now isn't a great amount, however they're in beta and they want to make sure everything is working properly. Otherwise, it could become very expensive very fast. The most likely scenario is that they will increase the daily amounts gradually.

You can increase the amount of free daily coin you receive by referring new members. When they signup They will give you a percentage of every coin they receive, every single day. If they refer their friends, you also get a percentage. The more you refer, the more you earn. Up to 7 levels deep. Plus, you can unlock permanent daily bonuses and multipliers of 5%, 10%, 20% all the way up to 1250%. All without you or your referrals spending any money or doing anything further at all. Your daily bonus depends on your number of Level 1 Referrals. The more you have the higher your daily bonus will be. The more direct Level 1 referrals you have, the more you earn every day. There's no limit!

In order to open a QoinPro account, you must be at least 13 years old and you must provide a valid e-mail address for them to contact you. (It will not be shared with anyone) You may not use a disposable e-mail address.

Don't miss this opportunity! The sooner you enroll, the sooner you will begin to accumulate coin. javascript:nicTemp();

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