Gold is money and money is a currency.

Thus gold is a form of currency, its acceptance in 194 countries, is of this world.

Many people know the importance and hedging of treasury assets in gold in recent decades has been lost. Without gold, there would be no money, because when they started to trade in gold, it was deposited in banks and evidence was obtained as a receipt for the amount of the stock. These were the first unofficial banknotes of the world. The trading of bank notes was thus born, and quickly recognized banks, such that gold deposited banknotes were playing an increasingly important role in society, and soon led the first official notes have been deposited with the gold one.

Today, the world has no more money, whose value is backed by gold. Thus, paper money is only one currency that has no real value.

The gold standard corresponded to the beginning of the 20th Century 1.504632 gram of gold = $ 1. Due to the compounding effect has been the gold standard in the coming years, after the introduction, is constantly changing and in 1971 abolished entirely.

Top reasons to buy gold, are:

1. Gold offers protection against inflation and currency reform
2. Gold bars are global cash
3. Gold is in crisis times, a stable investment
4. Gold is and will remain unimpaired, as the limited resources and are not reproducible
5. Global demand for gold is higher than supply
6. The purchase and sale of investment gold is exempt from VAT

Thus, gold is the security for you and your family and should exist in every household as capital protection.

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