Hajj, the holy pilgrimage which every muslim who is financially, physically and mentally stable aspires atleast once in a life time has to be planned quite in advance as it is not a one or two day affair. Hajj pilgrimage is either done individually or with family or even in groups. Going on hajj in groups is not on cost affective but doing something like this together instills a spirit of togetherness and unity. Also, going in a group is much more safe and secure in a way. You feel a kind of moral support when you are travelling with a group rather than travelling alone or in a small family. Moreover you get to mingle with different people with whom at the end of the journey you enhance your relationships. There are many travel agencies which provide packages for groups also. Here are a few tips on travelling with a group:

                             2014 - 25 Days 5 Star Deluxe Hajj Package With 8 Days Madeenah - Group 5

Group Packages – There are many travel agencies in UK which provide group packages from budget to luxury packages. These packages are generally cheaper than individual packages and are exclusive also. So, if you are planning to go on hajj with a group of friends, you can not only have a great package but a great experience altogether.

Travel agencies authenticity – Selecting the appropriate travel agency is also important not only to get a good package but for better services because there have been cases wherein the travel agencies make promises and then do not fulfill them at all. At this time it can cause a lot of inconvenience while travelling because this journey is very long and requires lot of physical activity and commuting by road too and such difficulties cause all the more stress. So, while choosing a travel agency don’t just rely on online website of theirs, try to visit their office and also ask for testimonials of people who have travelled with these agencies before. Alternatively, you can enquire from people who have been to hajj about reliable travel agencies and their overall experience with the agencies. There have been fraudulent agencies also, but these days the worry is less because Saudi government has very stringent rules and regulations and has closed down these agencies, but being alert is always beneficial.

Terms and conditions of Travel – This is one vital point which mostly every one tends to ignore when it is to be given utmost importance. Travel agencies also know this fact hence the tweak the terms and conditions in a way that if any kind of damage or problem due to the agency’s negligence is created, still the one who suffers the least is the travel agency. This is only because you have agreed to their terms and conditions. Hence, always read the terms and conditions properly and if possible get a legal advisor or your friend who is into law to check it. 

Legal Formalities – This is another issue which has to taken into consideration. Always ensure from the travel agencies that all the legal issues, like visa,  permissions from the government, etc are managed properly otherwise it would get really distressing for you. Do check it from your end also and don’t just leave it all on the travel agencies.

In short, it’s just about planning the trip, taking a few preventive measures and this would lead to a successful, fulfilling and enlightening holy journey with your group.

Matthew Bouley provides information about hajj 2014

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