Joomla Programmer is very much in demand today because Joomla is an award winning content management system which is open source, thereby allowing every individual to use it for their personal benefits.

A content can be anything like simple text, photographs, video, audio or somewhat like this. A CMS keeps track of all the content on a specific website.  As it manages the content itself, anyone can have command over it without prior knowledge about it or without any technical skills.

Joomla is developed in the MVC (Model View Controller) framework and is written in PHP. It uses OOP (object oriented programming) techniques  and software design patterns and stores data in MYSQL and other database.

Joomla Development company Dallas helps in providing its services for better growth of business and also helps in SEO (search engine optimization) as it includes several features like blogs, RSS feeds and more.

Businessmen must Hire Joomla Developers if they want to develop a powerful website and online application. Today, every programmer prefers Joomla because it is extensible and user friendly and these are the reasons behind its popularity. It is a website software which is available to everyone for free.

As Joomla is easy to use a programmer can develop a site quickly. Joomla is used in an array of places like corporate websites, portals, intranet and extranet, online magazines, newspapers, publications,      E-commerce, online reservation, government websites, small business sites, education websites, school sites, non-profitable sites and more.

Joomla is a CMS which manages content, but if one wants to create a highly features website, it can extend extensions to it which are of five types. They are Components, Modules, Plugins, Templates, and Languages. One can add different functionality to the site using these extensions which are even helpful for implementing some of the built-in features of Joomla.

The most complex and largest extension is the component, which is even considered as a mini - application. There are a number of components and most of them have two parts- one for the site and another one is for administrators who can edit the content.

Module extension is mostly known as boxes which is very flexible and arranged around the component. For example login is a module which is assigned per menu item which are the component extensions.

Plugins are advanced extensions which work as an event handler and executes when a particular event is triggered.

A template is used to the look and feel of the website and also provides flexibility for styling and customizing a website.

A Joomla Programmer  can also use Languages extensions which  are the most basic one which affects both the site and administrators parts and can be used as core as well as extension package. These are used for translating static text string.

Covetus Technologies PVT Ltd. Offer extensive and affordable xml programmers service and also provide the solution related to website development or designing like Joomla Programmer.

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