Tired of zero Kindle sales? This software changes everything…

I know what it’s like to publish a book on Kindle only to watch the tumbleweeds blow through your account. Week after week, no sales. No reviews. No nothing. I’ve been there, I’ve done it, I have the t-shirt to prove it.

It gets frustrating when you have to constantly deal with the self doubt, “Should I publish another book? Should I just give up? What am I doing wrong?” It makes you want to tear your hair out.

It can be frustrating when you look around and see that other people are not only making sales with their books (that aren’t half as good as yours), but they are making a TON of sales! You figure if these people can do it, so can you (and that’s true). If only you could discover their Kindle marketing “secrets”, then you too could become a full-time Kindle publisher.

Good news…

There are no secrets…

If you want to make bank on Kindle, then get on the first page of Kindle.com for high paying keywords.

Yep, that’s right – you can actually rank your books within Kindle and get HUGE organic sales. No more need for PPC. No more need for begging for reviews.

Just set it and forget it. Go write the next one.

But there is a catch…

You have to be smart about ranking your books. There is a method to the madness. It takes a lot of work to do be hand. It can be tedious to find the right keywords and determine if your book will even rank.

Luckily, someone has software that can take care of all of that for you! Check it out here:

[KINDLE SECRETS REVEALED] How to sell more Kindle books without marketing…

In just moments you’ll discover:

• A surprisingly simple solution to getting all the information you need to craft a bestselling strategy – with a piece of software that will give you recommendations!

• A neat trick that virtually guarantees you’ll be able to tap into the powerful organic traffic of Kindle.com

• A quick and easy method for analyzing hundreds of Kindle.com page one results – you’ll be amazed when you see what insights you will gain with the click of a button!

And much, much more. By the time you finish running through Kindle Samurai for the first time you’ll know exactly how to optimize your book for maximum organic exposure – guaranteed!

But don’t take my word for it. Go to [Tired of zero Kindle sales? This software changes everything…] and check out the testimonials from people just like you. You’ll be amazed at how much they are loving this software – and best of all, you can do it too!

Listen, you don’t need to struggle with Kindle books that don’t sell any more.

Go ahead, imagine what life will be like when you finally have that bestseller making sales for you all day and night.

Feels good, doesn’t it?

Best of all, you don’t have to dream about it anymore. Because when you go to [Kindle Seo Software] and claim your copy of Kindle Samurai, you’ll finally have the tool you need to capitalize big on the Kindle self-publishing revolution!

 Kindle Seo Software Guide

Go get it – you deserve it!

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