Just before you jump to the conclusion that I am a scammer, let me explain.

Yes, scams pay. Not only scam owners make money, members also make money.

For a time, at least.

Let's see how it works. A program is launched, promising everyone will make a ton of money. It asks that you invest a little money, and you will get your money back plus a percentage. Let's say, 150% ROI (Return On Investment). So, if you pay $10, you will get back $15 after a certain time. A few days, weeks, hours, or whatever the program says.

When you check the features of the program, the only way the owners make money is through what the members pay. The site is not selling products as retail. No big corporations is funding them month after month.

So, where is the 150% coming from? Other members' money.

The first few weeks, people who join get paid fast, they get excited and they say: "It's not a scam, I got paid!"

It then becomes a referral frenzy.

You might ask: "You just said the money comes from other members, so how come people get paid right at the beginning?"

The money comes from the owner. Where else? Somehow, he was able to put some money aside to be able to start the program. How much money is needed, I have no idea and I don't want to know.

If the owner is good at marketing, the program will take the Internet Marketing world by storm.

If it gets really big, in the tens of millions of dollars or more, the authorities take notice, and they shut down the program.

Another possibility is, after a few months, some people will start to complain that they didn't get paid. Some others still get paid. It gets confusing. The owners start to give all sorts of explanations.

Weeks pass. People stop joining. More and more people stop getting paid. The program collapses. The owners are nowhere to be found. Or, worse, they start a new program, saying "it's legal and indefinitely sustainable."

So, in conclusion, yes, scams pay. The ugliest part is, some people stay informed of the launches of the next scams so that they can join early, make money, then run before it collapses again.

I invite you to take a look at the BehindMLM site, for reviews of programs who are outright scams or borderline illegal. Click the link below. It's not a referral link, and yes, you won't find information about the guy who posts these articles, because he doesn't need to give his personal information, since the articles speak for themselves.


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