The best way to sell a product on Click Bank is to make sure that you are selling a product that has good demand. Blogger Simon Slade writes, “Succeeding or failing as an affiliate marketer can often be traced back to the products you choose to promote. At first, selecting a product to promote seems simple enough.”

The process of finding products is complex, though. Slade explains this difficulty, “Understandably, the sheer selection of products on offer at ClickBank can be completely overwhelming to a newbie. How do you know if a product will sell well? What about competition? What do all the numbers mean? Although there is no 100% watertight method for finding a profitable product, there are a few things that go a long way to increasing your chances of success.” 

Tips on Profitable Affiliate Marketing

Slade lists some ways to find the best selling products on ClickBank. He writes, ““The first thing you need to do is think about what market you’d like to work in. Choosing a market related to your hobbies, skills, passions and experiences is an excellent starting point (after all, you’ll be spending a lot of time thinking about it!).”

Next, it is important to understand what the customers of your niche want. Slade writes, “If you wish to pursue this idea further, then it’s very important that you understand (1)who in this niche is buying, and (2) what they are buying. The easiest way to delve into the minds of your market is by browsing forums related to your niche. This is a great way of finding out buyers’ needs, wants, and problems.” The question is how to find your niche’s needs, “It’s now time to go back to ClickBank and search for some good products to promote that will meet their needs.”

Another important factor of your ClickBank experience is to expand on the products you sell there, ”Ideally, you want to find a market that has multiple related products being sold through ClickBank. The reason for this is that if there is only one product available for the niche, even if it sells like hotcakes, you’ll almost certainly have a hard time competing with existing affiliates who are well-established in the market.”

Here is something you have to keep in mind, too: pricing. “In order for your marketing efforts to be worthwhile, you need to promote high commission products – that is, products paying out at least $18 per sale. Keep in mind that from a seemingly high commission, you’ll need to deduct your advertising expenses (e.g. AdWords) as well as your time.”

It is hard to pick a high commission rate right away, though, so start low and then slowly increase your commission.

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