Male organ skin tone or color can vary significantly from one man to the next: a man with very light may have a red manhood (even when it is soft), while a man whose skin is dark-hued may possess a manhood that is somewhat lighter in tone. Most men will also notice a variation in their male organ skin tone, whether temporary or permanent. Changes in male color are not usually worrisome, but on some occasions they do indicate that some additional attention needs to be paid to ensure continued manhood health.

Tumescence-related variations

Men with light-hued skins will often experience a significant change in color when a manhood goes from soft to hard. This is, of course, due to the fact that the firmness is a result of blood rushing to the manhood and causing it to swell. When hard, the manhood of a man with light complexion will tend to be reddish or purplish.

"Normal" differences between body and manhood tones

It's also not at all unusual for a man to notice that his manhood when at rest is a different shade than the skin that covers the majority of his body. It is also normal for the manhood to have several different shades of color. For example, in some men, the skin is darker near the shaft, lighter in the middle and dark again on the head. In other men, the skin tone is more consistently hued. Neither is cause for concern.

What about spots?

In many men, the manhood is prone to spotting or blotching. There can be any number of variations and any number of causes, including:

  • Dark patches. If a man has had dark patches on his manhood since puberty, and if they do not noticeably change shape or size, it most likely is just the result of uneven pigmentation and does not need attention; however, if patches appear suddenly, or if they change in appearance, it's a good idea to point them out to a doctor. Uneven pigmentation may still be the cause, but it may also be a sign of a skin irritant.
  • White splotches. Again, these can be due to uneven pigmentation, but this "de-pigmentized" skin may be caused by vitiligo. No need to panic: vitiligo sounds worse than it is. It is an autoimmune disorder, but its main effect is to cause white blotches; however, though it carries no physical risk, it can spread, so a man is advised to consult a dermatologist for treatment if he suspects he has vitiligo on his manhood or elsewhere.
  • Little white bumps. Technically, these go beyond the topic of skin tone, but many men have pearly male papules, little white bumps which tend to appear in a ring around the ridge of the head. They are harmless, but many men become concerned when they encounter them.
  • Non-tumescent redness. When a man's manhood is red due to issues other than blood flow, it usually means he needs to spend some extra time attending to his manhood health. This is especially true if the redness is accompanied by abnormal tenderness, roughness of skin or swelling. In some cases, this may be a sign of inflammation or infection, and a doctor may be needed.

A sore red manhood that is not due to inflammation or infection may be the result of overaggressive handling, an allergic reaction or exposure to harsh cleansers or rough clothing. One of the best things a man can do to soothe an aching red manhood is to implement the regular use of a high end manhood vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Utilizing a formula with a superior emollient, such as shea butter, and with the hydrating relief of vitamin E is essential. The smart man makes sure the formula of choice also includes acetyl L carnitine, a supplement that has neuroprotective properties, necessary for maintaining proper manhood sensitivity.

For additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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