Video games are so popular nowadays that kids and adults alike will spend hours upon hours enjoying their gameplay – truly, a fact that applies to Walking Dead games, too. Their engaging gameplays, exciting plots, and interesting turns as well as the opportunity to be part of the Walking Dead universe, so to speak, are just a few of the best benefits from playing these video games.

Basis for the Video Games

As its name implies, the Walking Dead video games are based on the American horror drama television series aired on AMC and Fox International Channels that, in turn, is based on the comic book series with the same name. The television series was developed by Frank Darabont while the comic book series was co-authored by Tony Moore, Robert Kirkman, and Charlie Adlard.

The series, which has been well-received by both viewers and critics, tells the story of Rick Grimes, a former sheriff’s deputy before the zombie outbreak who leads a small group of survivors through the challenges of living in the aftermath of a walking dead – zombie – apocalypse. These challenges include fighting the hordes of zombies, coping with the casualties, and dealing with the predatory instincts among the human survivors.

Excitement Inherent in the Video Games

To say that the Walking Dead games are exciting is an understatement! Just watching a few episodes of the television series and/or reading a few editions of the original comic book series will prepare, sort of, the video game players for the challenges that lie ahead. The challenges on the video games will closely mimic those depicted by the characters in the television and comic books series but with a difference – the players will enjoy the interactive nature of the video games in contrast with the non-interactive nature of the series on which these have been based on.

For example, instead of just watching the group of human survivors battle it out with the zombies, you will be the one fighting off, so to speak, the zombies while playing the Walking Dead games! You will also have the opportunity to choose your own dialogues and make your own decisions, thus, affecting the outcome of the game. Your decision-making and problem-solving skills will certainly be tested while playing one of these games, not to mention that your attention to detail, hand-eye coordination, and memory function will also be challenged every step of the way.

Several Episodes in the Games

By now you will be wondering about the term “Walking Dead games”. Just how many games are there in the first place?

Well, there are presently five episodes to choose from, thus, the designation of games. These episodes were released between April and November 2012, which are available in several platforms including PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita system, Microsoft Windows, iOS, and OS X.

The complete game has the same place as the comic series itself as well as the same plot – just a short time after the zombie apocalypse in Georgia. Most of the characters, however, are original to the game (i.e., not in the comic book series) like Lee Everett and Clementine while a few of the comic book characters also make their appearances in the Walking Dead games like Glenn, Shawn Greene, and Hershel Greene, among others.

What makes the Walking Dead games different from many other graphic adventure games? You don’t have to solve puzzles but you have to focus on the development of the story and the characters!

For interactive fun and to learn more about Walking Dead Games visit us now.

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