Successful people make sacrifices in order to reach their dream. You might have to work for low pay in order to reach your dream; however, if you have faith in yourself and set realistic goals, then your sacrifices may pay off.
Also, successful people are willing to take risks.
Those who reach their dreams are willing to take risks. Many dreams require risks to be taken. You don’t know what may happen if you take the risk, but sometimes it comes down to taking the risk and reaching your dream, or not taking the risk and possibly never reaching your dream. You will never know unless you take some risks in order to reach your dream.

Yes, by choosing to work with SFI, you are are aware to make sacrifices and you have to take risk.

"I spent almost a year looking for the right opportunity. Then, I found out about SFI. My search was over. SFI had everything I was looking for--quality products, training, a support system, and a genuine opportunity."

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