Delayed emission, or delayed emission, occurs when a man is unable to release after 30 minutes or more of sensual stimulation or is unable to reach emission at all. While less common than early emission, this problem affects a large number of individuals. Men of all ages can experience delayed emission, either on an occasional basis or as a lifelong issue. Fortunately, there are solutions that can help men to overcome this issue and improve the overall state of their reproductive health.

What causes delayed emission?

Difficulty reaching emission can be related to a number of factors, ranging from physiological conditions to mental health issues to medications. The most prominent causes of delayed emission include the following:

1. Congenital defects related to the male reproductive system;

2. Injury to the pelvic or spinal nerves;

3. Infections, include prostate and urethral infection;

4. Prostate surgery or prostate removal;

5. Systemic disease such as diabetes or  multiple sclerosis;

6. Hormone issues such as low thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or low testosterone;

7. Stress, anxiety and/or depression;

8. Cultural or religious factors that cause feelings of intense guilt related to physical intimacy;

9. Relationship issues;

10. Lack of attraction to a partner;

11. Antidepressant medications;

12. Some antipsychotic medications;

13. Blood pressure medications;

14. Diuretic medications;

15. Alcohol, especially excessive drinking and alcoholism.

Some risk factors…

Men with certain conditions may be at greater risk for impaired emission. These may include:

  • Pelvic or spinal injury;
  • Psychological conditions;
  • Tension in a relationship;
  • Use of certain medications;
  • Use of alcohol or certain recreational substances.

Solutions for impaired emission

Addressing delayed emission is dependent on the underlying cause, so consulting with a specialist is generally necessary. A full physical exam may be conducted, and men who are experiencing delayed emission should be sure to tell their doctor about any other symptoms, as well, even if they seem unrelated. A doctor will also ask questions about a man’s psychological and emotional health, including issues like work-related stress, the possibility of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, and relationship problems.

Once a possible cause or causes have been identified, a number of treatment options may be suggested, including:

  • Medications – while there are no specific medications used to treat delayed emission directly, certain antianxiety medications, or medications which counter the inhibiting effects of antidepressants.
  • Psychological counseling, either on an individual basis or with a partner, to address issues such as mood disorders or relationship problems.
  • Treatment and counseling to address issues with alcohol and other substance abuse.

Caring for the male organ for better reproductive health

All else aside, a male organ that is not up to par is unlikely to provide a thoroughly sensual experience, so attention to male organ health is requisite for men who are looking to up their game in terms of reaching emission. A healthy male organ is one that has an ample supply of blood, healthy nerve and circulatory tissue, and supple, well-moisturized skin. To achieve this level of good health, men should maintain a healthy diet, get plenty of heart-healthy exercise, and avoid all use of tobacco products, especially smoking. Use of alcohol should be limited – no more than 2 drinks per day are recommended.

For those individuals whose manhood sensitivity is not up to par, a vitamin-packed male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is enriched with natural emollients and moisturizers can be highly beneficial in restoring sensation lost due to rough handling, dry skin and even, in some cases, diabetic neuropathy. Applied to the skin after a shower or warm bath, a quality male organ cream can provide vital support for man’s most valued possession.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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