I use a $1 a month hosting account for all my custom splash pages, but it does not have Cpanel on it. Unless you do something yourself, if someone tries to get to a page and encounters an error, they get nothing but a worthless message.

So I put a text file in my public folder and named it .htaccess (the dot in front is necessary) that is simply all the possible error codes redirected to a page that helps the lost visitor:

ErrorDocument 400 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html
ErrorDocument 401 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html
ErrorDocument 403 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html
ErrorDocument 404 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html
ErrorDocument 500 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html
ErrorDocument 502 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html
ErrorDocument 504 http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/errortrap.html

Now notice I redirected all the errors to the same file, errortrap.html and if you already have a .htaccess file, you can edit it to add these lines.

So the next step is to create this file, which is simply an explanation of why they are there and a list of all the possible pages they might be trying to visit. If you don't have a clue about HTML coding, don't ignore the fact that you MUST learn at least the basics if you are going to succeed at making money online (in my opinion) and it's not that hard.

First go look at the page I created by trying to visit a URL on my domain that doesn't exist, such as http://oldbuddy.angryhosting.com/nothere

Then to look at the code I wrote, right click on a blank spot and select View Page Source. If you don't understand all the codes inside the < > brackets, go look for w3schools.com and stretch your comfort zone around it. This is simple stuff and consists of nothing but markup instructions inside <> brackets to tell your web browser how to render the page. It's that simple and ANYONE can at least learn the basics to fix problems like this.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me!

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