KaratBars - Protecting your Financial Future

I have NEVER been so confident or so excited about any
business I have ever promoted, and I firmly
believe this business has fallen from heaven and into our laps (laptops?)

The timing could not be more perfect
to get into the precious metals industry, the global economic storm brewing is
going to bring together all the elements which WILL culminate in a

financial perfect storm, the likes we have never seen before.

We have also established that the "dirty little secret" of the wealthy and the
mega rich is to take physical possession of currency grade gold, and as the
paper currencies collapse...

...the price of gold ALWAYS skyrockets and fortunes are made by a
VERY FEW who are "in the know"  .... AS LONG AS YOU ARE ON

The issue in the past has been that currency grade gold has
only been available to banks and a very few "elite"   ........


We have identified a company where ANYBODY can purchase
Currency Grade Gold (This is the highest quality money can buy)
in 1 gram lots...

...making it affordable for ANYBODY to break into the
Gold market and prepare for a catapult in gold prices!

OK, that's a quick recap of what we have been talking
about up to hear... now let me tell
you a bit more about the company we are dealing with...

...and THEN give you something to really GASP about...

First... you must understand a few things about gold...

Most People Don't Know That There Are
2 Different Asset Classes in Gold..!

1. Commodity Grade gold which is bought and PRICED in ounces...
(which is the 'spot' price usually referred to)

2. Currency Grade gold which is bought and PRICED in grams...

Currency grade gold is therefore different and priced different.
Most people can't afford commodity grade gold
(since very few people walk around with +-$1200 for an ounce of gold)

Grams are more affordable and everything in gold revolves around VALUE.
This type of gold is more valuable since it can be bought and used by the masses.

Central Banks All Store This Type

This type is only made by three refineries in the world. The company
we deal with is LBMA certified (London Bullion Market Association)
and is also on the "London Good Delivery List".

The gold we deal with is 999.9 pure gold.  ;)

All in all it's just better for the masses and therefore priced differently.

The company we deal with is a business opportunity
also and not only about "buying" gold.

Remember that...

People simply don't buy / save gold if there isn't a way
to make money "in the NOW" as well...

THAT is the reason why THIS BUSINESS is The ULTIMATE business.

It allows people to build a business.
Which makes them money now!
Has a REAL product which is REAL MONEY.
And at the same time protects their wealth through
saving into physical Gold.

All the above information is helpful, and if all we did was to introduce
you to this business and taught you how and where to purchase the
correct grade of gold and how to take possession of it...

that would already be AWESOME!   

Go get Started NOW

Talk to you soon,

Hank & Ruth

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