Are you a writer or business owner looking to publish your writings? We now offer a guest blogging program that is made for you. Obviously we have some rules in place below, but it helps target topics to subject matter that relates to our readers and that they can benefit from. If you meet these criteria, we want you to be a guest blogger!

To start, click the link at the bottom or comment on the article about your submission request.

Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging Criteria

We have set these criteria for our guest blogging program to help narrow the subject matter and submissions. Only content that meets these criteria will be considered. Once approved, future posts will be automatically accepted. You do not need to have a history to have an article accepted, but it does help.

Must be about a subject matter that relates to our website.

Examples topics include: Thailand, travel, health, medical, fitness, etc. If your subject is not listed, but you feel it will be beneficial to our readers, please feel free to submit. Please no PR or advertising submissions. We also do not accept controversial or inappropriate subject matter. PG-13 or lower only.

Quality Content

If you provide pictures or media we are happy to include it, but it is not mandatory. We will assist with the presentation of your article, but subject and content is what counts most. Please make sure you spell check and provide quality content.

Authorship Prefered

You do not need to have an authorship or history, but it is preferred. Those with history and a larger network help with getting the articles seen. An alternative to having an established authorship is have a large social network or follow that you intend to share your submissions with. It is not mandatory to share your articles on your social networks, but this exposure helps with the success of your article being seen. Popular authors and success articles are republished for future submissions.

Guest Blogs Rules

External Linking

You are allowed one external nofollow link inside your content. If you are linking out as a reference or citing your work, this does not count. The link must be related to the article and can not be “spammy” Please follow Google’s guidelines on linking.

Author Signature

You will need to register as a guest blogger on our website in order to have your Signature display. It will link all of your guest posts from our website, your website, and social networks. If you do not wish to register as a guest blogger, then the editors signature will display at the end of the post by default.

Rights of Submissions

Once you submit your work, you are giving us the rights to publish it. Corrections may be made to meet our criteria, but the essence of your work will not change. We will not publish any work with out providing credit.

How To Submit Guest Blogging

Please complete the form with your information and describe the topic of your article. We will then send a link to register as a guest blogger where you can setup your profile and submit your work for publishing. If you have any credentials please provide those as well.

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