Cancer is a dreaded disease. It acts as a slow poison. It slowly gives our body is hollow. The disease is divided into several types. Cancer disease can damage to all the organs of our body. We are negligence about causes of cancer. Cancer is caused by many reasons. Some common reason causes cancers are Smoke from cigarettes, tobacco, and other intoxicating substances. People think, all of a narcotic drug is to relax the body. They do not think about the bad effect after taking drugs. These drugs affect our bodies. Firstly it affects our lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidney and at last, it hardly affect any part of the body it causes some cancer.

Cancer is divided into many stages.

Some are 3 to 4 Stage and some are 4 to 5 stages. First and second stage can be recovered earlier but after second stage it creates some problems in our body.

Some Advance Therapy of Cancer and Latest Treatment of Cancer

Types of Cancer Treatment

1. Treatment of bladder cancer 2. Treatment of breast cancer 3. Treatment of cervix cancer 4. Treatment of colon cancer 5. Treatment of colorectal cancer 6. Treatment of Liver Cancer 7. Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 8. Treatment of lung cancer 9. Treatment of oral cancer 10. Treatment of ovary cancer 11. Treatment of prostate cancer 12. Treatment of Renal Cell carcinoma 13. Treatment of sarcomas cancer 14. Treatment of stomach cancer

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