Thin layers of porcelain that are custom-made for every patient and then bonded permanently into the fronts of the original teeth are called porcelain veneer. These dental veneers are typically used by people when they are after a more beautiful or white smile than their natural or when they wish to get rid of any imperfections in the teeth. Veneers that are made from porcelain are very durable and strong and are very similar to natural teeth. It doesn’t take a lot of dentist appointments for people to get this veneer applied, but they should opt for a skilled and professional dentist to prevent the case of bad veneer.

Veneers made of porcelain are an alternative to traditional bonding and dental veneers, but people should keep in mind that they might not be suitable for everyone. They are often regarded as minimal prep or even ‘no prep’ veneers because they don’t require the dentists to remove a lot of tooth material because they have to be bonded to the front area of the natural teeth. As compared to traditional veneers, these no prep or minimal veneers can be placed more quickly and do not cause the same level of discomfort. This is another reason for their popularity.

There is a proper application procedure that will be followed by a qualified dentist when applying these veneers. First off, porcelain laminate veneers are customized not only for every individual, but also for every individual tooth. Therefore, a mold of the tooth is taken for the purpose of fabrication and construction. A very strong adhesive is used for binding these custom made veneers to the teeth. These special dental bonding adhesives can be used in a variety of ways and techniques. The technique is of the utmost importance because the porcelain veneers might fall off if not applied properly.

Dental bonding is a very crucial step, but before the veneer is bonded to the teeth, it is best to show it to the patient. It is possible they might not appreciate the look of the porcelain or want an even whiter color. They need to have full participation in the entire procedure. After they have been applied, it becomes nearly impossible to tell the difference between the natural teeth and veneer because the latter has been sculpted individually for every patient. Furthermore, in contrast with natural teeth, custom-made veneers are able to resist staining from coffee, tea and even cigarette smoking.

Also, as opposed to crowns, only a minimal amount of tooth has to be altered for fitting the veneer and the natural teeth usually remain intact. Even the darkest teeth can appear white because of this veneer. Moreover, it is quite easy to maintain dental veneers that are made of porcelain. They have to be regarded as natural teeth and brushed and flossed in the same way. Non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste should be used or a dentist can also be consulted for advice. People can also visit the dentist for polishing the porcelain veneers to keep them in their original state.

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