Most men are not comfortable talking about it, but male organ sensation loss is common – over 85% of men report some reduction in male organ sensitivity. Loss of sensation is sometimes related to aging issues, but in many instances, younger men also experience diminished sensitivity. Loss of sensation can, of course, significantly reduce the amount of pleasure a man can feel, either through self-simulation or partner activity. Fortunately, loss of male organ sensitivity is not always permanent. By adopting some common-sense lifestyle changes, understanding the issues that can lead to sensation loss, and exercising appropriate care of the male organ, many men can once again enjoy a full range of sensation.

Some common causes of male organ sensation loss:

1.    Poor circulation – Poor circulation in the extremities can result in loss of sensation as the tissue becomes deprived of oxygen. Over time, the temporary numbness or pins-and-needles feeling caused by limited blood flow can give way to more pronounced loss of sensitivity. Cardiovascular disease, obesity, restrictive clothing and even bicycle seats are all linked with loss of sensation in the pelvic region. Losing weight, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and above all exercising regularly, can help to restore sensation to this vital area.

2.    Smoking – Smoking takes a toll on male organ sensation in a couple of respects. First, it narrows the arteries, limiting blood flow to the pelvic region and extremities. Second, nicotine can interfere with the nervous system, disrupting the nerve signals that are responsible for sending tactile information from the male organ to the brain, as well as for transmitting pleasure signals from the brain back to the male organ. Quitting smoking is recommended for all individuals, and clearing the air can also help to improve male organ sensitivity in some instances.

3.   “Death grip” syndrome – Men who have become accustomed to using one particular technique for self-pleasuring often find that they are unable to become aroused by any other type of touch; and eventually, the nerves that are constantly being stimulated essentially become ‘bored’ with the sensation that they do encounter. This problem leads to what is sometimes known as “death grip syndrome.” In order to overcoming this problem, some retraining of the neural cells is needed. One possible solution is to take a break from any activity for a week to two weeks, and then start reintroducing the male organ to different types of light touch. Toys, feathers, and silky materials can be useful accessories for this process.

4.    Diabetic neuropathy – Individuals with diabetes typically experience widespread health problems. As the body is unable to process glucose (blood sugar) normally, high levels of sugar can be present in the blood; uncontrolled levels of blood sugar act as a toxin, breaking down vital organs and tissues. Nerve damage is frequently seen in diabetic patients, and loss of sensation in the arms, legs, and male organ is often the result. Following the doctor’s recommendations and keeping blood sugar under control can help to mitigate this problem.

5.    Psychological issues – Men who are experiencing relationship problems or have experienced intimate-related trauma – or those who have been raised in households where reproductive activity was treated as a taboo issue – may develop psychological restraints that inhibit male organ sensation. Assistance from a intimacy therapist or psychotherapist may be helpful in this case.

Caring for the male organ

In addition to the recommendations given above, attention to general male organ care can also help to improve the receptivity of the male organ nerve tissue. Cleaning the area every day can help to prevent skin infections, while moisturizing and nourishing the skin with male organ-specific ingredients can help to prevent the development of keratinized, tougher dermal tissue.

A specially formulated male organ nutrient cream  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) applied after a daily shower can be highly beneficial in maintaining male organ skin that is soft, supple and responsive, as well as promoting a youthful and healthy appearance.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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