To get 3279 people into an organization may seem daunting right now, but find a couple of leaders, bring in 3-10 people, work closely with those people to help them bring people in and your organization and matrix will grow incredibly fast!

When your matrix is filled you’ll be earning about $4,925.66 per month and that DOES NOT include the matching bonuses, fast start bonuses, extra bonuses or retail sales.

If you bring in 10 leaders and they each fill out their matrix, each of them would be earning $4,925.66 basic income from the compensation plan.

YOU would earn matching bonuses of 10 x’s $4,925.66 + your own income.

The MOST you can earn as a 100% matching bonus is the total filled out matrix of each person which is $4,925.66.MPORTANT NOTE: These figures are just examples! There are NO guarantees of you earning this type of income. It’s totally down to your own hard work, effort and time dedicated to building an iWowWe business. This is what is possible but NOT guaranteed.

I have to say that because so many people get involved with businesses and think they can sit back and do nothing and they’ll make a LOT of income!

The fact is, that it takes 100% dedication to build any business, online or offline.

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