A quick self-exam, performed as part of a routine male organ care regimen, could help men to spot male organ lumps and bumps when they're small and easy to treat. When a man's searching fingers find those pesky protrusions, however, he might react with sheer panic and fright. It's reasonable to be concerned, but it's also worthwhile to take a deep breath and follow these three simple, commonsense steps. Doing so could lead to male organ health in no time at all.

1. Don't Try to Pop It.

Pinching, poking or squeezing a male organ bump is never a good idea. In fact, it could lead to catastrophe. The skin around the male organ may be contaminated with splashes of urine or tiny colonies of bacteria, and poking a hole in the skin could allow wriggling bacteria and germs to enter the body where they could do a significant amount of damage. Additionally, some lumps and bumps on male organ skin aren't caused by any kind of blocked pore or subsurface invader. Instead, these bumps might be caused by infections or damaged tissues, and piercing these layers could lead to even more problems down the line.

2. Visit a Doctor.

Searching the Internet, phoning a friend or even showing a girlfriend a male organ bump might seem reassuring, but often, it's impossible for people without medical degrees to know what's causing a skin issue. Sometimes, even doctors can't tell why tissue is inflamed until they run a few tests and consult with a laboratory on the results.

At a doctor's appointment, men should be sure to:

  • Describe how the bump has changed, if at all, since it was first noticed
  • Detail any recent intimate contact
  • Bring along any prescriptions or vitamins that are part of daily life
  • Describe any sensations of pain associated with the bump

In some cases, changes in diet or medications could make the lumps and bumps fade. In other cases, creams or medications might be needed in order to combat the problem. And sometimes, the bumps are completely harmless, and a man is advised to just use reasonable care in order to keep his male organ healthy.

3. Practice Proper Male Organ Care.

No matter the cause of male organ bumps, they can serve as a wakeup call that a man's male organ care technique isn't quite what it should be. For some men, this means they're not staying safe during intimate contact.

Some partner-transmitted infections manifest as lumps and bumps on the male organ. While latex can't provide 100 percent protection against this problem, barriers can keep some delicate tissue under wraps, so it won't slide up against the infected tissue of a partner. Men who are lax about latex might need to revise their policies, and male organ bumps could provide that prompt.

Raw, irritated skin bruised through poor handling and a lack of nutrition can also erupt into bumps. The skin loses its smooth appearance when it's maltreated, and it can heal into all sorts of funky shapes. A male organ health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be of vital help here. These products contain the vitamins and nutrients that starved tissues need, and the dermal application means that all of the goodness goes into the tissues directly, without taking a long journey through the body first. Products like this also contain vital emollients that can allow hardened skin to soften and smooth out. With just a few applications, a man is sure to feel the difference, as might his partners. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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