With high mortality rate still an issue that needs to be addressed properly, the necessity of promoting the health and safety of the people especially the mothers is extremely crucial. This increases the need to pay particular attention towards choosing a pregnancy hospital for yourself, where you will be jostling to deliver your baby. There are several pregnancy hospitals in Bengaluru, India each offering their own pregnancy packages in varying amounts. To help mother-to-be’s choose the best hospital for pregnancy in the area, several factors can be looked into:

· Location: The location of the hospital has to be suitable for you and should be approachable with clean surroundings.

· Waiting times: This is one factor which will come handy when you are having contractions and are made to wait in the hospital corridor for your turn or when you are there for a check-up and made to wait long in the queue with swollen feet, giving your baby and yourself discomfort.

· Reputation: A reputed hospital with high success rate is always preferable. Going through outpatient reviews and feedback can provide invaluable insight.

· Clinical Performance: The quality of doctors, cases handled, success rate and the facilities provided are an important consideration when you are on your search for best hospital for pregnancy.

· Cleanliness: The ambience plays a pivotal role in keeping the mother and child calm and providing infection free air to breathe.

· Travel: The distance from your place to the hospital is crucial as you might have an emergency situation since pregnancy can be full of surprises. There should be adequate mode to travel to reach the hospital if you are not driving down.

· Parking Facilities: This is a consideration for the benefit of your family and friends who will come to visit you at the hospital. It is always best to choose one with adequate parking facility.

· Visiting Policy: There should be well defined visiting hours so that you and your baby can get some private space from time to time for rest.

· Cost: This is an decisive factor, though many people overlook it since they want the best for their children. But expensive is not always the best, and it should provide value for every penny spent.

· Birthing options: There are a lot of birthing options available and you must check if the hospital provides facilities as per your birthing plan.

· Food Quality: Since you will be eating the food that is supplied by the hospital, you need to make sure it is of good quality s your immune system will be weak, and what you eat will affect your baby too.

By considering all these factors, you should be able to choose the best pregnancy hospital for arranging the arrival of your baby.

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