Eid is the word of Arabic language that means joy celebration and happiness. It is purely a religious festival for Muslims.Muslims celebrates two eids, throughout the world in one year. One is Eid-ul-fitr and other is Eid-ul-Azha. Eid -ul-fitr is celebrated when Ramdan the month of fasting is over while eid-ul-azha is celebrated at the 10th of Zill Haj after the biggest and sacred holy obligation "the haj".

No matter which eid it is it is always the day of happiness and celebration for Muslims all over the world. As Islamic calendar is the lunar calendar, the change of the month depends on the appearance of the moon.So moon sighting is the beginning of the eid day celebration. As eid -ul- azha is celebrated the 10th of zill haj so it is pre decided but there is a great excitement for eid- ul- fitr as people are so much conscious whether there will be 30 days of ramzan or 29.

Celebration of eid- ul- fitr starts with moon sighting. People always have special plans for the "Chand raat". After Aftari on twenty eight day of ramzan people go to open places to fix their gaze on the western horizon to locate the crescent. Cloudy sky may disappoint them but in clear atmosphere they try their level best to find out the moon. After seeing the moon they embrace one another and exchange eid Mubarik. If the moon is not visible in any area, people remain restless and sit before T.V. and wait for the official announcement. Anyhow, after announcement, no matter if it is at midnight people come out of their houses they visit their dear ones. Youngsters have their own way of celebrating chand raat they take out their motor bikes and start one-wheeling and the whole city begins rattling with the roar of silencer less bikes.

Chand raat is a big invitation for shopping madness. People rush to bazaars and behave reckless in shopping due to the intoxicating joy of up-coming Eid. Ladies cross the limit of extravagance and men behave lords by affording. The hustle and bustle of teen girls in bazaars over the Bangle and Mahdi shops and this might be the most cherished moment for boys who usually print Mahdi at gal's hands and forearms. Though chad rat is not part of holy festival of Eid yet it is a part of trend now and celebrated by the Muslims around the globe. People remain busy till late at night and Markets remain open.

On the date of eid people get up early wash properly, wear their special dress for eid and move towards the mosques to say eid prayer. After prayer people embrace one another and say eid mubarik. Then they come back home and eat something sweet that is one of the celebrations of eid. Meanwhile guests start pouring in. Eid is a great day for children also they receive their eiddi from elders and visitors. It is a great day for every Muslim but particularly it is a special occasion for the children.

It is the day of merrymaking and celebrations but while doing so, we often forget the basic spirit of this day. This day is a gift of Allah for Muslims who sacrifice their hunger and thirst for a mouth fasting teaches us to take care of poor people always and on this day especially.

For more information visit Eid Shayari

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