Many men believe male dysfunction is a problem that only occurs in older men, but those who do will need to rethink this assumption.  A man under 30 – even some as young as 20 – can experience the same problems down under as a man 65 or older.  Male dysfunction is estimated to plague as many as 15 to 30 million men in the United States.  While it’s true that men over 65 are more likely to have male dysfunction, many young bucks have had the very same problems in the bedroom.  There are steps men can take to prevent this frustrating problem, including a proper male organ health care regimen. 

What is male dysfunction?

Male dysfunction is a condition in which men are unable to perform intimately.  This may be experienced as difficulty achieving or maintaining a firm manhood, as a decrease in firmness, or an inability to get it up in certain situations – for example, some men have no problems with solo performances, but fall flat when it’s time for a duet.  And while it is true that performance issues can happen to any man and are relatively common, if the problem persists on a regular basis across multiple situations, it is worth speaking to a doc about.

What are some causes of male dysfunction in a young man?

Stress:  Perhaps the most common reason for intimate difficulties in a young man is stress.  Whether it is the job, the relationship, the kids or money, having too many stressors takes a toll on the body.  Reducing the stress level in anyway possible, or changing the coping mechanism used, can help to alleviate this problem.  Increasing exercise, practicing deep breathing exercises, or trying meditation can all be effective stress busters.

Anxiety:  Anxiety and stress often go hand in hand; too much stress influences the body’s nervous system, which then mucks up the pleasure response.  Unfortunately, it is a vicious cycle in terms of one’s love life.  The anxiety may be related to a work problem but it ends up contributing to a lack-luster performance in the bedroom. This then ups the anxiety when it comes time for another romp in the hay, as the man does not want another poor showing; thus, performance anxiety is created.  If such a pattern persists, a non-organic male dysfunction can occur (meaning it comes from psychological, not physical origins). A trip to the urologist can help determine if physical or psychological causes underlie the issue. 

Alcohol Use:  Using alcohol to excess can affect many areas of one’s health, and intimate health is no different.  Too much alcohol can damage the central nervous system and impact circulation, causing too little blood flow to a man’s favorite organ and reducing its tumescence. 

Smoking:  Smoking is not only bad for the heart; it is bad for the nether regions.  The ingestion of nicotine and other carcinogens causes hardening of the arteries, which in turn stresses the circulatory system, making it more difficult for blood to reach the vital organs and extremities of the body.  A sturdy lovestick depends on a high volume of blood, so if the circulatory system is compromised, the male organ may pay the price.     

Medical and other causes:  Certain medications, including anti-depressants, have been linked to male dysfunction, in addition to various diseases such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Peyronie’s disease -- a condition where plaque builds up on the male organ tissue, causing bends and abnormal curvature -- kidney failure, surgery, and psychological disorders have all been linked to problems of the intimate nature.

Keeping the male organ healthy

Many simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in reaching optimum male organ health.  Eating a balanced diet, managing stress effectively, exercising, avoiding smoking and alcohol and getting regular checkups from a physician can all help keep the male organ healthy.  The daily use of a male organ health creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also help improve blood and oxygen flow to the male organ.  Maximum blood flow is necessary to keep a male organ – young or old – functioning at its highest level for years to come.  

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit:  John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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