There is not a child on Earth who hasn’t, at one time or another, spent hours with building block sets, enjoying their creative abilities and expanding their imagination. Building block sets allow kids to let their thoughts go wild. And, while building hand and eye coordination and critical thinking skills, they are having a blast building Tarzan’s tree house or a secret hideaway pirate cave or even a princess’s tower where she sleeps while waiting for her prince to come and wake her up for their happily ever after.

These awesome toys can be found in all kinds of themes these days and from one well known and universally loved company these building block sets can be found in just about every theme imaginable, including:

•    Harry Potter
•    Star Wars
•    King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable
•    Batman
•    The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
•    Cars
•    Chima
•    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

You can also find building block sets that feature themes from popular children’s stories like The Little Mermaid, as well as hard to find pieces you may have thought to be out of your reach.

Building block sets are just right for little hands, the big pieces easier to manipulate, making it as fun for a three-year-old to help as it is for you. Building block sets can offer more than just play for improving dexterity, the pieces can also be used to help a little one learn how to count, how to practice patience when putting a larger project together, and how to share with siblings and friends who may want to help put the project together.

Besides children’s themes and themes from movies for the little ones to enjoy, you can also use building blocks yourself to replicate famous buildings in history, Christmas villages and old Victorian neighborhoods complete with people and other accessories. You can even help your little ghoul or goblins build a grand haunted house.

When you aren’t working with a themed set, building block sets are really quite limitless. You can build a towering skyscraper, knock it down and rebuild it into a dinosaur haven. You can build battlements for a war of the stuffed animals the likes of which have never been seen before. You can build fighter jets and Navy air craft carriers; build a miniature house or coliseum. There’s really nothing you or your little one can’t accomplish with a little imagination and some patience.

The best thing about blocks is they are so durable; a toy set that your child can get as a toddler and has for years to come. Some can be pieced together to create a stunning display of art or hard work that can be displayed on a shelf for all to see for as long as you want, memories of your child’s hard work or memories of special time the two of you spent together on the project.

Blocks aren’t just a toy, they’re pretty much a fundamental part of any child’s life, one of the first toys they ever remember playing with and one of the last toys they’ll give up as they mature. Or, who knows, maybe they’ll never give it up and use the skills they learned with building blocks and apply them to real life building one day.

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