Hair Removal Treatment Options

Hair on your scalp is great. It's the stuff that sprouts up on your body that you want to remove.

Body hair might not be such an issue if there were a one size fits all way to get rid of unwanted growth for every part of the body. After all, growth appears on many parts of the human body. On women, that's often the upper lip, legs, arm pits and groin area, though the latter area is often a matter of preference whether or not you want it removed.

And men? Well, some guys are hairy creatures and will sprout unwanted growth on pretty much every inch of their body. Most often, this includes the chest, back, neck, arms, legs, feet, and posterior. And the obvious areas like the arm pits and genital region.

The hair removal treatment option you choose will depend on the location of the unwanted growth for reasons we'll review in this article. We should note, however, there may be a way to prevent body hair before it sprouts up, and on any part of your body and regardless of density. We'll review that as well.


The obvious way to get rid of body hair is simply to shave it off. This is the easiest method, it's convenient and it's relatively painless. Men can shave their face and any part of their body. Women, too can shave, though they most often do this to remove hair on their legs and genital region.

You can shave with a standard razor and shaving cream or with an electric razor. The second option might be even easier, though the results won't be as good. You should never shave on broken or irritated skin.

The downside of shaving? Results are very short-term. Many guys see stubble within just a few hours, otherwise known as the five o' clock shadow.

Depilatory Creams

A step up from shaving are depilatory creams. These are chemicals that dissolve the proteins in body hair, which causes unwanted growth to fall off. Like shaving, this is a convenient method to get rid of body hair – just apply after a bath or shower, wait, and rub it off with a damp cloth.

Depilatory creams produce results just slightly longer than shaving, at roughly two to three days. You can use them on your arms and legs. Some women use them along the bikini line, but depilatory creams can trigger inflammation and skin sensitivities in this delicate region.

Depilatory creams are less effective on larger areas, like the back (kinda hard to apply these by yourself on the back!). You should never use a depilatory cream on your eyebrows, as the chemicals within can drip into your eyes and cause serious damage.


Longer-lasting results and decidedly painful, many a Hollywood movie has featured a scene in which a hairy man has various parts of his hirsuteness torn away amidst screams of pain and laughter from his friends.

This option is an epilation-based hair removal method, in which hair is plucked out at the root. You can do this at home or in a salon. A home kit allows you to remove body hair on the eyebrows, arms and arm pits, neck and legs. If it's done in a salon you can pretty much get rid of growth on any part of your body, though this can easily set you back $50. Results last about a month.

Waxing has drawbacks. Aside from the pain (ouch!), home kits can be messy and inconvenient, and infections aren't uncommon when performed in a salon, some of which won't do a full-body wax.

Hair Growth Inhibitors

Another, and perhaps more effective way to get rid of body hair is to prevent it before it develops. In this light, a natural hair growth inhibitor, like Stop Grow, is most often a more convenient, effective and longer-lasting solution.

A natural hair growth inhibitor selectively targets cellular activity within the hair follicle during the anagen, or 'growth' phase, and reduces both length of body hair and overall density. Growth becomes sparse and less noticeable, until on many clients, shaving and related hair removal methods are no longer required while using the product.

A promising development in body hair removal, natural hair growth inhibitors use plant-derived active ingredients, including Telocapil and Decelerine, that can be used on any part of the body. And the results are eye-catching – in one study, Decelerine reduced the need for women to shave their legs by up to 82%. And Telocapil is clinically proven to reduce body hair by up to 69%.

Clients looking for an effective way to get rid of body hair should look for a natural hair inhibitor with a combination of Telocapil, Decelerine and Pilisoft LS7590. If the product comes with a money-back guarantee longer than two months, you should buy the product.

Admittedly this limits your choices substantially, but Stop Grow by Skinception is formulated with all three of these active ingredients. The product is guaranteed for an impressive 90 days and if consumer reviews are any indication, Stop Grow might be the best way to get rid of body hair and feel good about your newly claimed body.

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