in the planning required to construct a building that is very mature and the details should be done by looking at the various aspects that are inside (geographical factors, social environment around, the layout of the building itself and the shape of the building to be constructed), especially with regard to building permanent. this must be done because it involves many aspects of the building itself (the strength of the building, the comfort and safety of occupants of the building) to residents in the building have a guarantee and stand inside a building.

broadly speaking, there are some major requirements in setting up a building, namely; foundation, pole / buffer / pillars, walls, roof frame and roof and yard / boundary of a building. the larger forms of building and expanding the yard of a building needed a stronger foundation as well as supporting both the burden is on it as well as the binding buffer / poles / pillars of the building in question, was also so with pole / support / pillar should also strong, well functioning as a buffer roof frame and roof as well as bookmark / compound of the people around him. in terms of all these elements should be complementary and mutually interlock in a coherent unity, there was a slight error will occur otherwise, the building will be easily damaged and collapsed and pole barrier will be easily broken or discarded.

each country is no different than a building with a courtyard in it along with similar and diverse inhabitants (religion, customs and culture (including certain ethnic therein) summarized the major differences (both in terms of the socio-economic, socio-political, socio-cultural, social governance and social and geographical borders of the country even more (poor, developed and developing (republic, socialist and empire). as a country / kingdom certainly has a foundation that is the source of all sources of law in the country / kingdom., and pole / buffer set (for the poles supporting the roof and limiting the area) must be firmly attached and sewn together in a single unit on the foundation in question. because if not the destruction of a country will only be a matter of time. foundations states created by the founders of a nation / empire should be able to mengakomudir various interests, both internal and external interests for short, medium, long and sustained interest, which must be adapted to the circumstances in which a country / kingdom is that of sovereignty, prosperity, prosperity and security and safety of citizens and the region can be maintained . the stronger the foundations of a country / kingdom of the sovereignty, well-being, prosperity and security of a nation / empire increasingly able to survive and show his true identity, let alone the foundation has become one as flesh and blood, like a nail with meat.

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