Enforcement tactics for child support tend to vary from one state to another but there are some common practices which apply throughout the nation. The first method is wage garnishment which is offered when the order for child support is established through family court system. In such cases, the obligor normally is not placed under the assignment immediately. As such, the benefit of doubt is given to the obligor where child support payments are required to be made voluntarily. Wage garnishment can get implemented in case the party denotes a history of under payment or non payment where the judge proceeds with full enforcement.

The next method of child support enforcement involves a scenario where professional licenses and driver licenses are suspended when one fails to pay for child support totally. As such professional licenses and driver license registered in the name of obligor are suspended. This tactic is usually enforced after the method of wage garnishment especially where the obligor does not have a reportable income or is unemployed. Once the licenses are suspended, most states do not allow the holder to reinstate or re-new the documents unless all the amount in question has been cleared which can either be the percentage of full amount due or the whole amount, which ever the case.

Another option of enforcing child support involves bench warrant. In most states or jurisdictions, in case the license is suspended for matters related to law like not showing up at the court or not paying child support can lead to the issuance of bench warrant automatically. In case you are issued with the bench warrant and you are stopped for traffic rules violation on the highway, then you will be immediately arrested. Still, you can be served with a similar bench warrant after an employer’s background check and depending on the specific job one does, the employer can get notified. Then, to answer to the warrant, one is required to make an appearance before a selected job where they are bailed out with a given amount of money. Then, the money is channeled towards the child support account.

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