Advertising is a way of making the consumer, and the general public aware of goods and services being offered by different companies. It also helps create brand awareness and keeps the public informed of all the latest products being launched by different brands. There are different means of advertising called 'Media of Advertising' which includes both electronic and non-electronic means of communication.

Non-electronic type refers to newspapers, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, journals and books, direct mail, banners and posters. It is accessible to everyone. Traditional type on print media is relatively cheaper than advertising on television. Perhaps, the most popular way of it is through electronic-media particularly via television. The prospects of reaching a wide range of audiences from all walks of life are far greater since television sets are present in every home. Advertising on television enables brands to be introduced in almost every house.

Internet advertising has recently evolved as a major marketing force for businesses as it provides quick exposure, and a way to effectively track their marketing budget. Advertising on the internet is getting more popular with time. Through internet advertising companies can reach every corner of the world in absolutely no time. It also facilitates businesses in developing web presence which is essential to survive in current times. There are many different forms of internet advertising, for example, contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, rich media ads, social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.

There are many benefits of internet advertising for example information is immediately published since it is not limited by geography or time. Internet advertising allows the content of advertisements to be customized and posted on websites. For example, ads can be shown on relevant web pages or alongside search results of related keywords on Yahoo Search Marketing and Google AdSense, and AdWords. In a nut shell, the real aim of advertising is not to sell a product but to create awareness in the general public of the goods, products and services offered by different brands. Advertising forms a connection between the company and its customers.

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