How to Trade Binary Option ? Binary Options trading is quite a simple concept, you choose if an asset is going to go up or down within a set amount of time, and if you’re correct you get a fixed amount back in the region of 180%. 
What’s not to love about that? Well I’ll tell what isn’t to be loved about that, and that’s the fact that it’s pretty much guess work, meaning that you can’t really make informed trades. But fortunately, some brightspark computer geeks have come to our rescue, by creating a piece of software called Option Bot, the worlds most accurate binary options indicator. 

Option Bot features one of the best live financial data feeds of it’s kind, some speculate that it might even be faster than the feeds that some platforms use, giving it a sort of precognitive advantage for the user. However, the most important thing to focus on is that this is the first piece of software of it’s kind to be made available for public use, whereas people normally have software like this developed for personal use to win more trades. 

So how does it work? 

Well, you have 2 main parameters that you set on the software, tolerance (which is basically the same as PIPS) and time frame (between 1 minute and 1 hour) the default settings when you first launch the software are the same of that on the video on the site, that shows the software providing just 2 signals, which allowed the user to profit by $1622 in 45 minutes. The Binary Options Software basically looks at the settings you’ve decided on, so lets say you set it to 30 PIPS in 15 Minutes, if it sees any upward or downward movement in 15 minutes of that size, it will tell you where and when this happened. 

This then allows the user to either select a call or put option, which in the case of the video advice on the site, they use a what goes up must come down ethos, so if it shows EUR/USD going UP they will place a trade going DOWN. 

It really works, and it’s good to finally see some binary options software to give more traders the edge. Certainly worth checking out, especially as you can download and use the software for free for the first 7 days with no obligation Binary Option Bot

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